Yo, yo and hello. Remember that shitty game from the 2020 game jam? The ONLY shitty game I mean. That overly-grindy, way too obnoxious game where you get to play as an NPC and fatten up adventurers? That stupid game who’s only redeeming quality was the fantastic artwork? Well, apparantly the idiot who made that game hasn’t learned their lesson yet. And as if they weren’t already the rextbook definition of insanity, they are making a spiritual successor to the game you already wish you forgot. And then because it has worked out so well for so many film franchises, this game is also a PREQUEL! Let’s go ahead and check all the boxes for a sure fire flop.
(Now where the hell did I put my announcing voice… Ah right here…)
Or whatever the words I meant to say are supposed to be.
Now sporting a completely different name than whatever the chuckle-cluck formerly in charge of naming this thing called it, we present to you the project formerly known as ‘NPC Simulator 2:’
(version 1.0.1)
MEGA: 196.4 MB file on MEGA
Featuring the amazing artwork of CJ-X4, I can assure you that the art is the only redeeming part of this game. But boy does it redeem it. This game features 6 adventurers and not much else, because the guy in charge of this crapshow is COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT AND HAS NO IDEA HOW TO TELL A FLIPPING STORY! Before you start playing, I have been told to advise all potential players to not play if they or a loved one has a history of heart attack or stroke… BECUASE HOLY HELL THE TERRIBLE GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MIGHT GIVE YOU ONE!
On a related note, it is with a solemn heart that we mourn the loss of this project’s EDITOR’s sanity… Do not worry, idknw is still alive and well, but after trying to clean up the illiterate dev’s crappy grammar and spelling, we had to check him into a mental institution. Let us all press ‘f’ to pay respects…
…can’t even do that crap right… I’ll just remember to fix it before I post…
EDIT: I forgot…
EDIT2: It’s been a week, and I still have not fixed it
Ya know, I think I’m finally starting to understand why I got fired from my car salesman job…
Seriously though, if ya wanna keep in the loop as far as updates check out cj’s twitter. Or better yet, check out his patreon.
cj’s twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/CJX41
cj’s patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CJX4
I promise ya, his work is fantastic. Much better than whatever this mythical chikin fucker can do.
EDIT: Before you post, remove that last line.
EDIT 2: For all you masochists who want to try the originally NPC Simulator, it’s trash. Save yourself some time and don’t play it.