Unnamed fat furry RPGMaker project

Heyaaaa, I think it’d be best if I were to get straight into the point of this whole lil RPGMaker project that I may get working on. (If I have enough motivation and my irl life doesn’t get in the way)

Obviously this will be made in RPGMaker (VX Ace to be exact despite not having much experience) so I’ll most likely be resorting to custom sprites as I’m not really favorable towards the vanilla tilesets and spritesheets. I sorta have an example on how the style of the overworld sprites would look like below(These sprites will most possibly be repurposed into NPC sprites)
test sprites

Now is the time that I lay out the juicy information about what the game will or may include! Such as the setting, plot, mechanics, and overall tone of the game. As for the characters or protagonists, I haven’t really gotten too deep into that yet.

Soooooo… I was thinking of the game taking place in a modern city (mainly the downtown area) where it’s home to many types of… interesting people varying in species, size, and personality. Your wealth usually depends on your species or lineage, so lets say a lion or a gator would be wealthy or high in power within certain organizations due to their size and strength… as for the smaller species such as rats, rabbit, raccoons, or squirrels could be seen are more likely to struggle with survival within the city… if they’re alone.

As for the plot… I was thinking of your everyday citizen accidentally starting conflict with a shady organization whose goal is to recruit subjects within the slums and normal struggling citizen to test their soda which they claim is to “increase your IQ” when in reality will cause the subject to gain weight over time until they’re morbidly obese.

The mechanics will include weight gain (Obviously), bloating, inflation, blueberry inflation, maybe some slob elements, blobs, sweat, etc. These are like status effects that can be inflicted within battle or the overworld. To add to these status effects, they will have cons… but also pros too. Like being fat will provide a defense and HP boost while lowering your speed and attack in combat, or being able to fall through cracked floors if you’re a high enough weight level (Now that I think about it I may add a few weight stages, though while you’re fat, you won’t be able to be inflicted by any other of the expansion status effects).

And now finally… the overall tone. I would say I’m going to try to take more of a comedic approach with dumbass brainrot jokes spilled in with a few sprinkles of references to certain media.

I know this feels kinda unorganized at the moment as I don’t usually post whole ideas like this publicly. Sooooo… I MAAAAAY have a lil progress with some stuff like tilesets and a few more random NPC sprites as Im gonma try to make every NPC, irrelevant or not have a unique sprite so I wouldnt have to use the same three civilian sprites constantly, just to stand out yknow. If you wish to offer suggestions, feel free to post them below!


now what is this I’ve stumbled upon?

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Sounds like a fun concept! Hope you’re able to put something together at some point!

If you’re thinking about letting the player select their species and stuff, go right on ahead. That will need some more work, though. Humor’s a bit complex, so good luck with that!