Untitled Farming Game

use esc key and use the S key till you get to the option “save” if its highlighted press E now
then it saves

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Thank you very much for this.

I ran into a bit of a visual bug when going through the newest update. I had saved my game when it was dark outside, and the next time I loaded my game, my character was completely black. The outline was still there, but none of the options were. Going into the house and customizing my appearance did not fix the problem, but once I started a new game, everything was back to normal.

is it currently possible to get past beatrice yet?

Damn, thought I ironed that one out, I’ll add it to the list.


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So I realized after the game jam that bottlenecking myself from working on the parts of the game I found fun behind the parts of the game I enjoyed working on the least (writing namely) was probably a bad idea. So I’ve decided to just roll with whatever programming/art things that I feel like doing and adding more written bits every so often instead of forcing myself to do a whole big chunk of writing before anything else, as in the long run that’s probably going to be worse for the project overall.
That being said, I’ve done a bit of work in the player’s house, and have added a cooking mechanic! Haven’t added many recipes so far, and no new items beyond glop if you throw random stuff in, but it’ll be easier to introduce new foods outside of shops now.
Also I’m doing proper version numbers instead of whatever nonsense I had before.

Link to download

  • weight degradation happens hourly instead of daily at around 1/20 the rate, was not working earlier due to rounding errors
  • items cannot be “held” when the inventory is closed
  • buying/selling 0 items now gets you out of choosing a buy/sell amount
  • made the player’s house a bit bigger and added some more furniture
  • moved eating from the table to the oven
  • added a cooking mechanic at the oven as well

I think the cooking is a little borked, not only is there no way of quitting out of it when you are in the menu, but if you place an object in the output slot, the game crashes.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_kitchen:

DoDiv :1: undefined value
at gml_Script_add_inv_item
gml_Script_add_inv_item (line -1)
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You can exit out using the dialogue box that pops up at the bottom, though looking back I see how that can be a little obtuse. As for placing the object in the output slot, are you just left clicking on it with the item? I can’t seem to reproduce the bug.

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Yes, first I grab an item, and then I try and place it in the output slot. Same way I’d put an item in the main slots. Incidentally, I think you can lose an item on the output slot if you don’t manage to pick it up before you create another recipe, though it could be that slop has it’s own rules as I haven’t figured out any of the recipes yet.

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Quick patch to make it easier to quite out of cooking and resolve crashing when clicking the output slot.

Link to download

  • clicking output slot after cooking nothing no longer crashes game
  • escape and the inventory key now also exit the kitchen
  • removed misplaced tile in diner

Bug report:
Hair jiggles out of sync with the character’s head when walking up or down.
I’m using the bangs haircut, but I haven’t tried it with the others

Has it been reported that when you close the eating menu without eating anything, the game marks you as having eaten and your hunger sated, despite not having eaten anything?
So basically, you can’t eat for a while after closing the menu without having eaten anything.

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  • moving while opening the inventory no longer makes you permanently stuck
  • calorie degradation now rounds to every 0.25 calories instead of every 1
  • signigicantly decreased the maximum amount of calories that can be lost in an hour
  • player no longer gets full from eating nothing
  • a text box shows up indicating how filling a food was once eaten

Moving seems to still happen when dialogue is open.
Edit: to clarify, I can still move my character while talking to NPCs. I can’t move them while I’m in the shop screen, though.
Edit 2: It appears to only happen with Allison
Edit 3: …It happens with shopkeepers when you’re selecting what to say to them. I think.
Edit 4…: How many recipes are there?

Sorry for the janky GIF, but this is the hair issue I was talking about, it jiggles out of sync with the head, giving your character a balding man look when going upwards.
The effect isn’t as bad when heading downwards, but it’s still there.

aka “The Slipped Wig” bug :3

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For some reason, you can get stuck on this corner.

I think you can get stuck at all corners if you run into them diagonally, I have done it in precious versions. though I have always been able to wiggle myself out of them. it might be different at different sizes

I couldn’t get out anymore

It doesn’t matter which direction you pick to try and get out?