Very short, free Visual Novel turn-based RPG! My Dear Fallen Angel -GRID:Farms- PLUS

I reached max level for both girls and got this strange page through a ritual but nothing seems to be happening/changing. Is their 99 level stage their limit or do they get bigger in the endings?

Lvl 99 is the limit, but one of the endings does feature an extra surprise!

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Is there a specific day that the ending happens? Also is it the hard mode ending that has an extra surprise?

day 44 is the last day and you’ll need a certain key item, and while there is a hard mode ending (get all key items w/o max level), the special ending can be gotten on any difficulty as long as you have max level with farmer in white and the shaman!

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The certain key item is the page right?

yes! but if you want the hard mode ending, you’ll also need the great shaman scepter!

I had the page on the final day, but I think I only got the bad ending where a mysterious being and the farmer tries to kill himself. Maybe I shouldn’t have skipped so many days with the plumes. Also I noticed that not all rituals are in normal mode.

Some rituals and encounters are hard mode only! During the final fight on day 44, try to not attack with the shotgun as much as possible!

It won’t let me the wait action is not there for The Farmer.

On turn 1 you can only attack, but after that the actions available to you depend on your allies’ levels!

I am given no other actions it ends when a voice tells the farmer it’s time for them to die and also got trampled on by the farmer girl’s fat ass as the two pin me down. Both are max level btw I believe

Except for the bad ending (where the farmer is killed), the rest of the ending scenes can seem very similar! The max level ending concludes with a ‘Congratulations’ picture! If you got that, you’re good!

I didn’t get a congratulations picture though

That’s odd! A very short bonus cutscene is displayed right after the credits. I suppose it could be skipped if players fast-forward though. You can check the picture gallery to see if that was the case. Otherwise, it could be a bug!