Virtual Gainer 2 BIG UPDATE!

There’s probably not going to be an update before the full release.


I liked the simple gameplay to work and eat then unlock a story thing and my character gains weight and all that… simple lmao but I can’t wait for the full release! From what you showed it looks really good


Love the eating contest minigame idea! hopefully you can add all of our ideas into the game if it is possible in your time frame


Yoo, didn’t know you were on here, and yes as a burp enthusiast, this is good


Hey, my question is how do I save in virtual gainer 2 because my progress disappears when I leave the game

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Do you have the latest version? Are you on PC or Android? If PC, have you unzipped the package?

Ok i have been meaning to post here about what i thought about the current build.

I do much enjoy it though the lack of other things to do & limited npcs to interact with does get tiresome quite quickly but the story is good enough to keep my interest.

i can’t wait for the next update i think would be nice if our character height be adjusted so were at least as big as the npcs in the farm and not feel like a short stack kind of character among giants

also and i think would be cool later on the story have the characters mobility start to take a hit be it cutscenes showing the increasing difficulty of her getting around or needing help to get out of bed

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I have the latest version. Pc and how to unpack?

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unzip the file and put it in to a folder and then when you wanna leave the game hit the cog on the top left I think and it’ll say save and quit the game


The latest version on your page still seems to have this bug. Also after I talked to the “devil” and she did her size change thing, she just got frozen there and stopped doing anything.


My gameplay is already being saved. I have another question, is there one cutscene or are there more and do you have to do something to have them?

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Thanks for the response.

I’m glad you like the story. I also felt like the gameplay gets a little boring after a while. I promise it’s gonna get a huge improvement.

She’s gonna be a little taller.

The mobility cutscene is a difficult thing to handle because the character can be different size for different people. I’m not sure I could do it.


That’s not a bug, I was just too lazy to do anything about it. After restarting the game she’s gomna be normal


For cutscenes that’s it for this version but there’s gonna be more in the full

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Ok, but what about the 340 pounds thing, your posts says you uploaded a fix for that but the latest version on your page I’ve played seems to have this issue still

I have that issue too, and when I reset the game, it is still doing the 340-pound thing.

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I agree, I feel like a slower walk/waddle at higher weights would be a much appreciated addition imo.
I wouldn’t mind if it dragged out the game a little (it’s not like we have to navigate through a large open world map). And if anything, maybe you could make it toggleable for people who want to speedrun the game for whatever reason.


That’s interesting, I don’t know why is it happening. I guess I should update it once more before the full release.

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I’ll try it out, see if it’s any good

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Please anything but this. My number one reason to quit a WG game, besides fetishes I really can’t stand, is physically walking slower. It’s tedious and boring.