Waifus Eating Simulator

I figured out why the game didn’t recognize the bottoms, for some reason the file name started with X1 instead of X0.

Side note: is there a way to edit a character’s body as of now? Like, under the clothes and shit? Or do we have to make extra options for shirts/waist/bottoms/leggings/socks for now?

I think you’ll just have to make extra options for the clothing. Changing the body underneath would just make it so the clothes on top don’t fit correctly, but at least the custom body shaped clothing can be set to have specific attached parts to match.
Incidentally I think I should test the custom parts to see what kind of things are possible with the current system.

so kind of a dumb question, but what do you do if you want a part of clothing to stay white when recolored, like damaged jeans and whatnot?

additionally, how does the game take to semi transparency, like if you want something only partially seethrough?

looks cool but it crashes under wine (something about to do with the png saver after character creation. it doesn’t like whatever path you’re giving it). any chance you could compile a native linux version? or post source so i can compile it myself?

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At first, I misread the title of this topic as a kind of vore-type game (vore of which I’m against), before realizing that it’s just a stuffing game based partly on an old game concept involving spaceships.

So it looks good BUT on starting it up I put one girl in, clicked carrot, clicked while the bar was in the green area of the slider, and never got my carrot, now the game is “broken” in that I can’t get any money.

Where are the saves kept so I can delete them and try again?

You put food on a plate by dragging the icon to the table. The minigame only CREATES food, it doesn’t PLACE it. There’s a number in the lower right of the food icon showing you how many of that item you have. You always get 10 free carrots at the start of a day because…well, I suppose you have a garden? But any food in your inventory is also lost when you skip to the next day.

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To be fair, I ran into the same problem. I’ts not immediantly obvious that you even can drag the food or that you get ten carrots each day.

Love the game! @uajaka what did you use to make this if you dont mind me asking

godot engine https://godotengine.org/

Made a couple of clothes for the game.
A few accessories for “Waifus Eating Simulator”

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Nice to see an engine other than Twine and RPG Maker being used for a change.


Unfortunately if you want to color something with specific colors, you need to sacrifice customization. All you can do is draw the ripped jeans as the intended color and leave the setting at white. If you want more customization then you’ll need multiple jeans I suppose.

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LOVE IT! Especially the top that tears open. However, the sound that plays while you cook, is a bit of an ear-sore.

Meanwhile, I hope stomach sounds and burping gets eventually added.

Honestly one of the best games I’ve played in awhile. I think if other parts of their bodies expanded (bust, thighs, cheeks, etc) as well along with some burps or belly sounds would be great too. I really enjoyed this game and how simple it was and I’ll be following it closely :>

Hey, I may be wrong about this, but isn’t there a discord for this game?

As implied by the breast files, and the fact that they need to be sequential. I think the boobs CAN expand. I assume they gradually get bigger as the girls increase their capacity(like gaining weight), I haven’t played enough to know for certain, yet. But yeah, more all around weight gain would be fantastic!

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I think the boob images are just for the character customization window. You can adjust bust size from there. The question is: if you add more images, can you increase maximum boob size?

I’m afraid you cannot. The amount of frames that are there already are the maximum (and possibly minimum) you are allowed to have.

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@uajaka is this the final state of the game or would you add new features?

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