nothing happen is there somthing you have to do with the soda before it can be use on the rocks?
You need several things to activate the explosion (can only be done in one area), they are:
1. Large Pile of Rock Candy (must use a wheelbarrow to load up on some to deliver it)
2. Bottles of soda, solve the safe’s combination to access it (finding the helmets will give you the code.
3. Tiny Balloon of soda, easy to find, located in the shack
4. Pouch of gunpowder, hidden behind a cracked wall (use the pickaxe on it).
After depositing the rock candy, dropping the bottles of soda and balloon, and reenter the area you’ll be given a prompt to either set off an explosion or not. Choosing yes will seal off two areas while saving Lux from some weight gain.
thank you and thank you wonky for the information
Play the Fourth one! It is fantastic, and is easily 5x longer than the 3 flash games combined. It might end up being ScriptWelders (Hope I spelled that right from memory) final project, or at least the end of the Newgrounds Era. You should absolutely give it a shot.
I know, but it costs money. Sadly I can’t buy it as of right now however, it’s always on the back of my mind. If only I could work up the courage to play the Deep Sleep series, but that is way too unsettling (and as someone who has bouts of knowing he’s dreaming it’s… much scarier to me than some of the scariest games out there).
A bold decision to have the main character avoid gaining weight! It certainly fit the “hands off” theme in my book. As a fan of the Don’t Escape series myself I felt the homage to it clearly.
Would be nice to see a downloadable version where you can apply save states, since with multiple outcomes on offer the temptation to see them all is marred with the rigmarole of repeated plays.
Other than that, it’s a fine entry!
Maybe once I get into a better engine I’ll update it to have a bit more. Thank you!
in the interest of me not bashing my head against a wall in frustration, would someone mind posting a walkthrough, I am actually terrible at these games
I added a game guide in the first post however, it only has the first area listed for now. Sorry.
Update: It now has the second area as well.
I’m having a technical issue. Every time i try to detonate the candy rocks, the game stops accepting all inputs. I’ve tried this on both the browser version and the download and i get the same thing
Let me check, had the same thing happen during testing and I thought I cleared that up. Give me a bit of time.
Edit: Hmmm, it may not be loading for you at the moment. Worked fine for me a few times.
Great stuff like always!! Love the gamplay, story and mechanics!
Oh god that screen, this may be a problem with the server. I’ll first try certain things on my end before I fire off a question (or hopefully a request) to Quest. This has happened in the past, so try using https to see if that will work. Thankfully it seems to only be affecting gameplay and nothing else.
Edit: Just sent off a question. Hopefully someone sees it.
I think the issue may have resolved itself, as I can play my games and others, although check to see if you’re still having it.
Okay for some odd reason Quest is not behaving properly; sessions sometimes cutting out in seconds or at random intervals and deleting anything in Editor causing an internal error. If you’re having an issue in trying to play I’m sorry as I don’t have an idea on how to contact the admins. This issue is also being shared by a few others, so it’s not your Pc or browser it’s Quest’s fault. I already have a topic in the Quest forums discussing this but so far nothing has been said about the admins knowing about this issue.
I’m very sorry if anyone is trying to play and yet are having problems, wasn’t expecting this to happen.
Edit: It appears the issue has been resolved, but check in case it is still somehow persisting.
This was really nice to play, I’m now impatiently waiting for the next part!
Once the Gain Jam is over then I’ll begin updating it, nearly had a third part done but… sadly the last bit proved to be too much work with little time. I will update some of the earlier content just a small bit before I release the next area.
A nice little puzzle game, I always enjoyed the anti-escape room games and this was a nice homage to those. I did get stuck on the cave part for a bit putting down different combinations of things, I wish it would just auto-prompt you when you have everything you need like the window in the barn. Also I keep getting stuck as the werefatty in that section and not being able to leave since I don’t have the pickaxe or dagger.
I don’t recall coding it for the Werefatty to be holding anything during the cave, a bit strange that you’re not being able to move on with either. Though you are right, I wish I did set p the combination a bit better, next update will have that.