I’d just like to show off a bit of my homebrew GURPS stuff for weight gain stuff. I’ve showed it around a couple of Discords pertaining to ED&D, but I got no bites. I’d love to test it, and improve upon it, but I do need players to play with. What I’m trying to do here is to ask for people to play with, or at least run a game with just to test the system out, and see what I can add.
Hello, new account here. I wouldn’t mind joining depending on the time.
But I haven’t played D&D in a long time and I am not familiar with how D&D is played online. Do you mind having a beginner and do you know any good sites for looking up rules and how to play online?
I would say that im interested but I only have ever done 2 sessions of pathfinder and would probably be annoying given I would be asking what im supposed todo for every roll and setting up my character ect ect.
Gameplay-wise, GURPS only needs 3 six-sided dice, and a character sheet, the only complex thing in this game is character creation, and a few others. But, alike any other tabletop game out there, it gets easier as you get used to it.
I have been looking at some of the basic stuff, with the character creation we get given a character point total I think. Does that mean that when it is decided who is playing we will create the characters together at the same time?
Appreciated, but I can’t commit to anything right now. Things are up in the air such that I may either have no free time, or nothing but in the near future. Good luck.
The Stomach capacity is based on HT, which for average humans, is 10. This means an average human can comfortably hold 10 pints of drink in their stomach. According to the internet the average human stomach can comfortably hold about 2 pints in real life.