Weight Gaming Community Wiki Launched (and Gain Jam rules)!

Good day to you all!

As part of ongoing developments within the site we are pleased to announce the launch of the Weight Gaming Community Wiki! https://wiki.weightgaming.com/

Something that has been noticed by staff was the need for a more permanent repository for both site and project information. The forum does unfortunately have its limitations in this regard; pinned lists and updated posts can only go so far, often going neglected or overlooked as they get buried by general forum activity. As such, a decision was made to launch a wiki as a hub for important documentation - rules, FAQs, tutorials, resource links etc - to be held on record and less so as a topic of discussion as found in the forum.

The wiki is planned to be comprised of two parts, both an official Weight Gaming section for official resources pertaining to the site, and a Community section in which registered members will be able record their projects, games and mods alongside posting resources as they see fit.


Whilst the wiki has been launched, it is worth noting that it is currently in Beta and public registration is closed whilst work still continues on it. However for those who want to get onboard with testing or have some good ideas to contribute to the Community section, do please get in touch by sending a message to @grotlover2

So with registration still largely closed, why launch it now? Because, in time for the Gain Jam, the official Gain Jam rules can now be found on the wiki for your perusal! Link to the wiki pages can be found here, covering both the rules and judging format as well as the Wild Cards: Gain Jam | Weight Gaming Community Wiki

We hope that, in time, the wiki will be a boon to the site and to all who use it so let us know what you think! Please share your thoughts, comments or suggestions below (and again, for those eager to participate now please message @grotlover2)!


This is definately a good idea, we get a lot of people coming here looking for stuff and asking questions and this will hopefully give us a good knowledge base.


AGH I can’t wait for the resources pages to get added!

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Interesting so will it apply to all games just finished games or just game jam

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The wiki will be covering more than just the Gain Jam, for sure. Once public registration is open we look forward to seeing how you’ll be adding to the Community section.

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