Weight Gaming games not on the Weight Gaming forum

Hello, everyone. I’m making this post because there’s this game someone is making called Gift of Gains (idk if I should post the link here, or do it after someone asks, so…). I tried to do a search on this site to see if anyone is talking about it, but it seems that no one is, or whoever is making it isn’t a user here.

So I’m opening up discussion on games that definitely fit in with the site, but are not…Present? I guess? I’m curious to see what games aren’t here that could stand to have more people know about them.

Gift of Gains is a Light Novel style game that isn’t heavy (heh) on any complicated plots and is mostly about admiring big men. You play as Eugene, a magically gifted anthro drake who moves into a small town full of small men, and it’s your choice on how you grow them. Make them fat? Muscular? Your choice. And yes, it’s a furry all-men game.
At the time of writing, it’s currently at v.0.1.1