hello fellow users on this heavenly site, I have found some strange things going on with a few game creators, and wanted to bring it to light. I have seen three people who made games with very similar art styles, and while one of them has only made games with the main things on this forum in mind, the other two have made different lewd games before hand, the three game devs in question are, kannascape, who seems to be the original one who started the art style and type of games, reidokium who is the second one and has made other games before hand, and the newest one of evesynthetic, who has also made different types of games before hand. another thing to note is that kannascape has commented under all of the posts with the same art style and said how they were all “good gmaes” and I dont know if this is a scam to get people to pay more money or what, but i just think we should be careful.
I think I know this one, all of their games have this sense of detachment to them, like they aren’t making them for honest reasons. Every other game also seems to be unfinished and have a Patreon promising future content, like each game is just bait on a hook and not a real project.
Looks like creator of all this simple games just want to earn as much money as possible and instead of developing promised updates to his patreon subscribers it is more profitable to create new mini-games and sell them.
This. The problem is that it seems there are something like 2 other devs with the exact same art style and UI going around and they all have the same “formula” for making video games
It’s probably the same dude with 3 alts and patreon accounts farming as much money as possible
TL;DR i believe this guy’s a scammer