If you are looking for another game to play and try out hear is this one I have played it my self it’s a lot of fun to play test and try out. It dose have room for improvement witch the developer is working on as we speak but I thought to let you guys know about if you would like to try it out your self
Honestly it looks a little slipshod, I’ve seen quite a few games use the Genesis 2 models and they never really amounted to much.
idk why you chose not to link the demo you posted – nobody’s gonna be interested if they can’t see any results. And idk what the game’s like yet, but your patreon page gives almost no information.
That said, downloading rn, i’ll report my first impression after i give this a shot.
sorry, the link I sent must not work for the demo but the reason why I am waiting for the update is because the frame rate is bad and he is working on it plus I gave him a full two-page review on things that are good, bad/needs work and I deas that I had that could help him out.https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-demo-link-46723449
Yeah, looks like it won’t open at all for me. Guess we’ll see what happens.
Looks a bit too “Patreon creator slaps generic DAZ models in an environment made of free assets into either Unity or Unreal” for my liking for now, but it might go somewhere in the future, IDK. I’ll follow development a bit, but I don’t have any faith in it.
give it some time I could see some big improvements on it but it will take some time because I believe he works 48 to 56 hours a week at his job so he does not get that much free time to work on his game as he would like to.
I will be watching this to see how it blossoms out. No matter how long it takes.
Well, at least it is Unreal engine this time. Maybe developer will let us modify playable character model for improvement.
The big problem is that none of the Genesis models are really built for expansion, they can’t bend or fold the limbs realisticly when they gain weight. That’s typically why you always see the “Plus size” models with unrealistically flat frames. Even when you do make the belly stick out, if you make them bend or lean back their belly will crush and expand like an accordion. That’s why you’d need a custom model or a custom rig to make a satisfactory job out of this, and regretably none exist.
Maybe All I know is he is working on the map/world part of the game right now because he made the forest come to life to much were when you walk into the park area you get 12fps inside of the normal 30fps the other news he did add a feature in we’re you can make the Main character NSFW
Ya when you get her to a certain size the game won’t allow you to do the animation but just let you walk around or run.
Actually it is not a big deal to take Genesis model and create additional belly bone.
no video is available
I deleted it I’ll put up the new one.
i think the demo link in the patreon is broken
The whole game is practically broken anyway, probably best to avoid playing it for an update or two.
From what I saw of the demo video, it looks like you’re the one inflating NPC’s, but nobody’s inflating you at all?
whats happening
whats the plan stan