Been lurking on this site for a bit and decided to make my own twine game. It’s short (about a 20 min read) and only has one route: WG Story by GeronTheHusky
If you read it please tell me what you think and what I can do to improve the next project.
Like it’sz said in the name, it’s more of a story than an interactive game, but it was pleasant to follow. If you wanna make it more interactive, write differents path and give some choices to make and it will be good enough to make it interesting to repaly at least a time or two
Like it was said before me, its mostly a story that you can write on a pdf file for everyone to read. For the game, either a pathing / choice system or a game mechanic where you need to find the food in different rooms in the dungeon and use the spring to recover health until you get too big and end with the slime like the story would work best for a twine game.