I have an idea for a game, a concept if you will, where you run a restaurant and gotta collect orders and serve people their food. I just want to know what game engine or maker I should use to make this game into a reality. Any suggestion helps out a lot.
Here’s how the would play out:
-You have 5 tables and customers will come and sit at your table
-they will order a nondescript food, the size of their order represented by the number of s their speech bubble has
-You can suggest to increase or decrease the order and afterwards accepting the order and getting their food for them from the kitchen area
-You deliver the food, they eat, grow and order some more
-Now you can decide to either increase, decrease or bill them for their order
-Billing them nets you the score you accumulated from the number of stars you’ve gotten from their order
-You can collect multiple orders from the customers, stuffing them full of lots of orders and getting lots of stars
+You can’t give the customers too many orders, cause otherwise they’ll burst/food coma (depending on player preference, unless I can’t code that in, in which case just burst)
+The limit of each customer is randomized and you gotta check their expression to gauge their limit
+Customers bursting/food comaing results in a destroyed table, thus one less area to work with
+The day ends once all tables are destroyed
+When billing people, you have the option to give them a wafer thin mint, like any restaurant would. Whether or not this bursts/food comas them depends on close to the limit they were but giving them a mint does net you an additional star
+A customer who burst/food coma, gives no score
The style of the game is visually a visual novel but not really, interact with options and choices for gameplay and such.
Here is concept art of the section where you collect orders and serve food and watch them grow. You can flip between tables to collect orders. This is the general look I wanna go for.