What is your greatest fear...with weight gain

I have a fear that my parents and friends may find out about my fetish and find it disgusting or repulsive. It might just be an irrational fear, but its something I have nightmares about. It feels like I’m a lesser person just because of a preference and a fantasy. Anybody have their own fears that they’d like to talk about?

By the way, I took all of your guys advice on coming out to my girlfriend, it went great. She agreed to try feederism, I asked her the next day if she liked it, she said that she kind of enjoyed it, we set up some boundaries and everything, not too much weight, just a little adipose. Thank you guys for helping me out with this problem.


Hey man, good for you with your girlfriend! I had a boyfriend I dated, I told him about it, and uh, well long story short, it ended quickly (f). But as for me, it is the fear that some day, weight gain won’t be possible. I mean, with all the stuff going on, advances in science, genetic mutation, it’s only a matter of time before everyone is a “perfect human”. Now granted, this wouldn’t be a horrible thing, as I’d probably just find another hobby, like fencing or something, but it would still blow, it’d be kinda like if some guy was into boobs, then he was told he can’t do it to boobs anymore. Now I already feel like a scum for saying that boob thing, but the point is, is that I fear that one day, it won’t be humanly possible anymore. Anywho, again, good for you, and i hope you and everyone else reading this has a swell day! ;D


That is actually kind of scary, the idea that at some point you couldn’t even be what you want to be or be into what you want to be into. Fucking dystopia concept you thought up.


im glad it worked out for you.

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This hound has to say the only fear I got in this regard is dissatisfaction of the process for those who do it
Otherwise I got nothin

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Death Feederism scares me. Makes browsing weight gain content difficult.
Especially when people talk about it in graphic detail. But that’s just my Thanatophobia talking.


My greatest fear with gaining weight, is that I might end up loosing it instead.


Same as bellow,
my greatest fear is to live in a dystopia where overweight not exist anymore or is a crime.
As people loving overweight people.

I think I couldn’t live in a word like that, and would become a radical opponent of the current regime, probably in the aggressive way. :confused:


i keep having the fear that i accidentally type something in about wg or just generally horny in some chatroom i’m in and out my self to everyone there
i don’t know or think that would happen i just keep thinking about it


Good for you, homie. My greatest fear is also having my friends and family find out. It’s the whole reason I go by this stupid name, because it could be any horny idiot on the internet.


Yeah, i feel that too, i don’t feel like anyone i know would take kindly to me discovering what i like.

And besides, what my general preference for this is way too unrealistic for it to even work out.

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Perhaps a sad and selfish response, but my greatest fear (actually in life tbh, as ridiculous as that may sound) is not finding a girlfriend (feedee) to enjoy feederism with and being alone forever, because I know I can’t settle for a “normal” girl.


My biggest fear with this is more about my own natural paranoia. If at some point in time I find someone who is willing to do something involving one of fetishes, I’m worried that I won’t be able to enjoy it because I would be too paranoid that they are only doing it to please me. Like if I get too excited about feeding her and just miss every sign that she isn’t into it and don’t realize it till way down the line. It’s kind of why I want it to just remain a fantasy for now.


Hey man I couldn’t agree more with your fear. Well actually my situation is a bit different. I do fear ( for lack of a better word ) other people finding out about this side of me however it is not because of blatant embarrassment. For me it is more of a not wanting to be found out because I do not want to be prejudged for my fantasy as I myself am still not sure what weight gain and larger women mean to me. For many years I have pondered my attraction and have argued internally amongst myself as to the exact parameters and ethics of preference. As of today I am at the conclusion that I have my own preferences and they may change as they please and so long as I am kind and understanding of others I would have solid proof that I am not lesser than others. FYI in all my years I have found that EVERYBODY has a peculiarity and most people have a kink of their own whether they know it yet or not. If you are ever interested in the possible “why’s” people are attracted to certain things and why kinks exist I would suggest looking up the primitive and instinctual history of human attraction. Sorry for the talkfest, I just felt like saying what was on my mind.


My fear is actually about my cousin, since, after my father passed away last year, I live in the basement of her house. The fear itself regards her discovering my kinks (weight gain included) and forcing me to delete accounts on sites like DeviantArt and here (potentially due to her having Christian qualities like believing that gluttony is a sin).

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i dont wanna rat you out john but you might wanna delete this before someone sees it

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thank you for possibly exposing someones name
this hound thinks you defeated yourself here russian
glad no one has my info thankfully

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It’s on his profile here. Hopefully it’s a pseudonym.

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Thanks a lot, RussianInternet… :angry:

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what you mad at me for