I’m gathering ideas for a visual novel I want to make and I want your input.
1. Body type before gaining weight:
A. thin
B. slim
C. fit
D. muscular
E. curvy
2. Body type after gaining weight/fat distribution:
A. skinny fat - visible chubby belly on a relatively slim body
B. Curvy - wide hips, big boobs and a pretty much flat belly
D. Big - wide waist, bigger arms, mostly flat stomach, big boobs, hips, legs, kind of like strong fat body shape
E. Apple - most weight to the belly area
F. Pear - big butt, wide hips, thick thighs and a small amount of belly
G. Hourglass - big boobs, hips, butt, thighs, with a small chubby belly
H. Inverted triangle - big boobs, small belly and some fat in the rest of the body
I. Balanced - same amount of fat all over the body, chubby belly, bigger boobs and butt, wider thighs and hips
3. Attitude towards gaining weight: (more than one can happen at once)
A. Likes it
B. Is angry at it
C. Is neutral/doesn’t care
D. Is in denial
E. Is oblivious
F. Is Embarrassed
G. Is turned on by it (pretty much “likes it” but way more)
H. Doesn’t like it at first
I. Teases others for liking their gain
4. Reason why they gained weight: (more than one can happen at once)
A. Lazy
B. Sweet tooth
C. Likes to eat
D. Likes to party
E. Broke a leg and couldn’t exercise and other similar injury ones
F. To attract someone who likes bigger women
G. For their partner
H. Is fattened by their partner (or someone else)
I. From Christmas/Thanksgiving
J. From a vacation
K. From a sedentary job
L. Because “it’s not that much and they can lose the weight later”
M. Freshman 15
N. Relationship 20 - gaining weight after getting in a relationship
O. Wanted to get some curves for themselves
5. Personality: (more than one can happen at once)
A. Shy
B. Flirtatious
C. Teasing
D. Carefree
E. Competitive
6. Looks: (more than one can happen at once)
A. “Tough” - tattoos, leather jacket etc.
B. Sporty - sports wear, leggings, sports bra, hoodie, sweat pants, tied up hair etc.
C. Comfy - Loose clothes, sweaters, big hoodies, loose sweat pants, a little messy hair etc.
D. “Attractive” - revealing clothing, tight clothes etc.
E. Formal - glasses, tidy hair, button up shirts, knee length pencil skirts etc.
F. Goth - black clothes, chokers, other goth stuff etc.
7. Things you’d enjoy seeing happen to them: (some of the situations can work better for certain characters more than others)
There are so many i won’t list them, just write them out. Things like popping a button, not fitting into clothes in a certain setting, get in as much detail as you want, give some examples if you’ve seen it somewhere before.
8. Other things you want for that character that aren’t listed
If you could format your answers something like this:
- Something else that’s not on the list for that point
And some pictures if you can and want
If you could also choose things for one character at a time in one comment rather than choosing multiple that you’d like to see in general.
If you have any ideas for things for me to add to that list then suggest those too!
I already have some ideas myself but I rather at least for now leave them secret, maybe even until the game comes out (it might take a bit of time)