Whats up fatloving people

Hey guys whats up

I knew about this place for a few months but I was hesitant to join because If Im honest I didnt expect much activity or quality. After lurking for a week without an account and playing Eat the Dungeon and then most of the popular stuff. Ive got to say Im glad my suspicions turned out to be so wrong! I dont really have any artistic skills or nor coding skills, but seeing all the stuff here has inspired me to try to learn some coding just so I can actualize some of my ideas. As far as internet communities go this one seems pretty damn nice.


Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here!

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Heya, fellow fatloving person! Welcome to our wonderfully weird little corner of the internet <3

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Heyo, welcome to the chub club ^^

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Me too, I really liked this community, never really tought about making a game before, but because of all the cool ones I see here I got these cool ideas I wanna try out and recently started working on my own game (that and rpg maker was 80% off on steam lol), hopefully I’ll be posting it here in the next few months

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Hello! Don’t worry, I was a long-time lurker, too. XD Everyone, here, is very friendly. :3

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Im an animator and i was lurking around too… but i love to see new projects around and im trying to make a time to create content or join a project, so… welcome!
P.s. Also my first time writing in a blog :sweat_smile:


Welcome! I am very happy to hear our community went above and beyond your expectations. I know all the admins here know we are very lucky to have such a great community.

I wish you the best of luck learning coding as well! Hopefully you will find the community very helpful with that endeavor.

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