I have an idea:
The game would be similar to The currently unamed stuffing rpg, an RPG set in a fantasy land as you the protagonist sets out to stop an evil entity bent on fattening the world. Pretty simple, but here’s the catch:
A karma system of sorts.
You would have three possible paths to follow for three different endings, “Friendly Feedee”, “Normal Nom-er,” or “Sadistic Stuffer”. The endings and many in-game events would be affected by your choices, basically rather you choose to gently encourage weight gain and not force it on others, to be a tyrannical force feeder and extremely manipulative, or do a little of both without committing to either.
An example:
A girl just got dumped by her boyfriend and is now eating her feelings. You could choose to comfort her and gently feed her until she’s satisfyingly stuffed while boosting her confidence, making her more open to her weight, or you could manipulate her emotions, making her more desperate than ever to fill her emotional void as you “Generously” provide plenty of addictive foods to help, or just ignore her and move on.
A pretty basic example I know, but it does get my point across I hope.
The more “Evil” acts you perform the more options for manipulation and force-feeding you have while the same would be true for “Good” acts, like say after enough evil acts you gain the option to replace or enchant meals with more fattening/addictive versions when an NPC is not looking or with enough good acts you can gain NPC’s trust and they will allow you to feed them or cuddle them when you wanted. Of course, as the game went along and you built more evil/good points it would let you take things to higher and higher extremes.
All around not a groundbreaking idea but one I’d still like to see none the less