Wide Simulator 1.6(WIP) (A dumb game where you play as a GOD(technically))

the next update is nearing, just wanted to share this

the final boss comes if you sleep 10 times

so in theory everything else is optional but good look taking on a godly devourer when a slime can give you a tough fight

btw at the request of somebody we have a discord server

im having this… peculiar issue where i cannae run the game, says i run RPGMaker Ace RTP or something

just found out about this, im trying to remedy the issue

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also 1.3.5 is out, so enjoy making denny a big blob after 25 large foods

update 1.4 is out
my plans for the game are nearing a close

1.5 will be the finishing of the game’s true ending and the mines. this will be along side adding more dialogue.

im going to stop working on the game at 1.5, i might come back to it but i do want to take what i learned and use it for non fetish projects, if you guys want to mod the game or dig through the files then go ahead

i badly structure this game’s release

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1.6 is a w.i.p
-bug fixes
-the bad ending (or more acuratley the “intentional jerk ending”)
-new game plus stuff with Valizia and Belzebub
-maybe Barbass getting his own theme (a maybe the size of china)
-this is the last update, from here it’s other projects, if you want to mod the game or continue it then go ahead
-a text document summarising the entire game’s lore

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gonna be honest, 1.6 may never come out

i found the motivation

-Bug Fixes
-More Original Art Assets
-a Bestiary and Aditional Artwork Included with the game
-Short Stories for:

  • Joli (a nice after story)

  • Barbas (a madness of combat)

  • Bea (a feeding frenzy)