Winter's Big Round Adventure. A Cartoon Pony Fetish VN. (Demo Out)

Winter's Big Round Adventure by Lightsaga Find the latest demo version here (Playable Web and Windows versions).

Play as Winter Light, as he just moved in to a new town and is starting his new job as a Mail Pony. Little does he know that the place he has moved in will take him to meet quite a few ponies that will help him expand his horizons, in more way than one.

A fetish game involving Weight gain and Inflation. You start thin and without much capacity to hold much in your body. Your choices will heavily influence how Winter’s body changes.

At an average reading speed, the demo lasts about 5 minutes per full Pathway.

All art in the demo is placeholders as I’m currently getting custom art made for the game.

NOTE: The windows downloadable version is the version I work with and test. If you have big problems with the web version please give the windows version download a go.

Notable known bugs:

  • Currently, using the skip button will cause some small visual bugs and some sprites won’t show properly for a moment.

Currently in the works for next version:

  • A Status Menu ( With a dynamic picture of Winter’s Body )
  • A back button for the conversations
  • In game menu to quit
  • Save system.
  • Replacing art with official custom art for the game.
  • Finish all the current path choices unfinished on the demo.

Future content will include:

  • 2 Extra characters, making it for a total of 4 characters, 2 mainly for inflation and 2 for weight gain, you can mix hanging out with them all.
  • Special reward images for the results of big events, done by different artists.
  • Way More events/story. Its hard to quantify it, but my objective is to make at least one full hour of content at my reading speed per full playthrough from start to finish.

Currently looking for:

  • Background artist. For cartoon style backgrounds. (Paid Work, just to clarify).

How long do you expect a playthrough of the full game to be, when it’s done?

Its hard to gauge right now. But I want it to last at least one full hour before I’m satisfied with it.

For reference, this little demo I did takes me about 5 minutes, so about 12 times that at the minimum.

If I get enough motivation to push past that, then from the roadmap I have documented I think It can reach up to 2 hours easily.

Also, for other people seeing this: I figured out how to export a web version to play on i-tch (removed the name so it doesn’t automatically link. Not well tested but seems to work good enough with minor issues like some text spilling. Can find the link at the start of first post.


Really enjoyed this demo, hope to see more of it in the future :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing just how this goes!

Thank you for the supportive comments SizableSnivy and Daniel9719. Really appreciated.

I wanted to make another quick reply to mention that I already got a main artist working on the character sprites and is doing great process, but I am lacking an artist for background work.

I’m currently looking for specifically an artist that does cartoony backgrounds.

If anyone that reads this is an artist or knows someone that does this kind of art commissions, I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know.


Hello everyone. I plan to post every month a progress report, so without further ado, here’s the first progress report of what’s been done.

NOTE: Game is still a WIP, many details of the interface might heavily keep changing as the game evolves and more feedback is received.

  1. Added the name of the speaking character on top of the textbox so its easier to follow who’s speaking.

  2. There’s now a fully functional Dialogue History Log, it will let you read the last 10 messages (I can easily modify it to allow more or less messages, I set a 10 message limit for now).

  3. I added Icon of Winter’s expression to the UI next to the capacity bar, this icon will double as a button to open up the status menu, if you want to check more in detail winter’s condition.

  4. Here’s how the official sprites/art of the game will look, this is the first custom art made for the game by the artist the-furry-railfan. Sprite progress is steady at this point. Still lacking a background artist though.

Next picture:

  1. Winter’s icon will change depending his status! It will have different variation depending his weight, his maximum capacity, and how filled his capacity is. The icon is pretty much the zoomed in version of his current full body status in the status menu.

  2. This is how the dialogue history log looks. You can scroll through it and can keep it open while going through normal dialogue if you wish, it will update in real time.

Here’s quick glimpse at the current mockup of the status menu:

Its a bit basic, but the text is already dynamic, and so is winter’s sprite on the right. It will change depending his current stats. Along with small fun descriptions.

Speaking of, if you hover over certain terms or status icons (once they are in effect!) you can get deeper description on the tooltips.

I think that about covers the features.

On the backend, I’m happy to report that I fixed a bunch of bugs already, in particular:

  • The skip button now plays properly all the animations and messages.
  • Fixed some text spilling out of the textbox (especially on the web version uploaded).

And last, but for me the biggest: There’s a special dialogue system that I can edit with an UI. What this means is that its easier for me to add in new dialogue and have it well organized. Honestly, its the biggest upgrade so far, but its not something exactly visible. Will help a ton for adding the content :slight_smile: .

As a reminder, no ETA on the next demo, but it will be out when all current placeholders are replaced.

That’s all for this progress report, see you guys next month!


Hello everyone, time for a small update.

In honor of my birthday today, I decided to gift myself and others a public patch of all the changes I’ve done so far on the game, most of them are quality of life implementations and a lot of behind the curtain mechanics for development.

Version 0.12

The patch includes:

  • The Undo/Back Button.
  • A Log button, to see recent events.
  • Adding the name of who’s talking to the UI.
  • A status button that leds the player to the status screen for Winter.
  • A new dialogue system for development to make things a lot easier to work with for me.
  • Some of the first official custom art for the game, both of the sprites so far for Tai.
  • A system menu to change game volume and to close the game.
  • Proofread and minor changes to Quick Trip’s dialogues (mostly at the end).

Bug Fixes:

  • Text should no longer spill out of the text boxes
  • The Skip button should work a lot better with most animations and statuses.

Check out the i.tch page to play/download the update

As a reminder, everything is a work in process, and things like interfaces and buttons and all could still change as I keep polishing the interface.

Any feedback is appreciated.

The plan continues to be in working on quality of life and the mechanics of the game for a bit more before I dive head in into content, gotta make sure the skeleton is solid.


I like it a lot! It’s a shame it’s so short though.

I really hope to see more updates in the near future.

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Thanks for the comment.

I plan to keep working and updating the game for at least one more year.

No ETA but the plan right now for the next 2 patches is the next:

Patch 0.15:

  • Finish most of the features/menus/options and behind-the-stage stuff that I will be using for most of the game development.

  • Finish the content of the demo. That includes the Incomplete paths left for both Tai and quick Trip. And update most of the assets to the official art of the game.

Patch 0.2:

  • First patch with new content, in this patch, the game will start proper, and most of my focus will now turn into adding content and story to the game.

  • Content from this patch forward will be a lot faster (not taking into account bugs, of course).

  • In terms of story, it will be all the story setup; the start of winter’s journey, and will end at the same point as the demo.

Again, no ETA on either of this patches, but wanted to be transparent with the plans.

Regardless of the release dates, I will keep posting devlog updates on the game progress at the end of each month, so keep an eye out!


I’ve noticed a potential issue with the web version. Might be because of the fact I’m using a phone to run it, but going off the ltch page not having the warning is why I’m still writing this. I will delete this if need be,

When running it, loading bar works and that section is fine, but when it gets to the wheel it refuses to load and stays in that position for either way too long to be normal or never does. It has never loaded anything beyond that point when I tried running it.

Screenshots look nice and props to you for making a web version in the first place

Hello. thanks for the feedback.

Could I ask, what’s your phone you are using to test it? is it an iphone or an Android phone? Most of my tests on PC but I would like to try to figure out how to bring it to as many people as possible.

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