Wondering About Insatiable Hearts/Looking for Similarities

I’ve been thinking, and I really enjoy Insatiable Hearts. The only issue I have is, I like, or well, LOVE, when I am the “target” of the events. For example, the bee people (Melapoid? I forgot the name, haven’t played in a bit…) had the queen stuck in the doorway or whatever, I want to be there. I have a very heavy (heh, pun) fat fetish, but more directed to myself. And when I saw the vore tag the game’s forum page had, I was thinking the player could vore, which I would have loved. I’m rambling, yes, last part, promise. I like the (melapoid??) transformations and honey inflation-esque dialogue, but I want to be able to join the (melapoid?) hive, and maybe even work my way up to queen bee (I’m obsessed with holding power over others).

So, thing is, I want to find a game like Insatiable Hearts, a text novel heavily describing your body being transformed, and gaining weight. Anyone know any?

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Yaffaif maybe? It has lots of transformation if I remember correctly. I haven’t played in a while since it’s been having issues running on my operating system.