World Of Fatties - A World Of Horror Mod

okay played the mod and it was fun. the only problem is that I kept crashing in test mode whenever I went searching around the forest and I am not sure why.

NOW questions 3 of them.
1 are you planning to add more to the mod later updates to the world of horror(For example adding your own diety or scenario for people to play)

2 IF you do a scenario any ideas what it would be about or other things you would add?

and finally, 3 what was your favorite event to write or script?


Absolutely love it so far. No problems detected.

A lot of these events feel like small bits of a larger story. I look forward to seeing what you do with them once more modding options are available for this game.


Uh, interesting. Are you playing on a windows pc or a mac?
I know that some problems might make the game crash on mac but not on windows.

Yes! I think there’s enough material with the themes I’m using that I can do a bit of everything.

In the near future I’ll be adding more enemies and events, but I’ll think about adding an old god, mystery, playable character, some items and injuries/ curses once we’re able to do so.

I already have ideas for a mystery, but it would be too early to talk about it for now.
But I can at least say that “The Host” enemy would have a big part in it.

I’d say “The Mirror” event.
It’s one of the events that took me the least time to finish, and it wasn’t changed much as I was already happy with the early version.

Also I just really like the idea of the character gaining weight until they fit the size of their reflection.

Thank you!
And yes, that was the goal for the events. There’s only bits and pieces right now, but I hope I’ll be able to do something interesting enough in the future!

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Thanks for answering my questions it’s good to know this will grow in the future. (Take it as a pun or not I didn’t intend it.) But to answer you I am using a windows PC I think it might be a internal problem now since other games are crashing more often. SO sorry to worry you about your project.


I’ve also had some crashing problems when in the city or in the forests, or manor.

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Could you share more details if you can?
Like if you’re playing the game on windows or mac, if the crashes are consistent, and maybe a screenshot of one of the crash messages? Thanks in advance.

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I wish I could tell you when it happened, I know it had problems loading in a certain event (I was in test mode) It was on windows, Bellow is the error code I get

action number 1
of Mouse Event for Glob Left Pressed
for object evt_xxx_custom:

Variable evt_xxx_custom.custom_fanevent(101782, 31968009) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_evt_xxx_custom_Mouse_53

stack frame is
gml_Object_evt_xxx_custom_Mouse_53 (line -1)


Quick report that there’s a typo in one of the failstates of the artifact, the event on the shoreline. In the failstate of the ‘put it on’ option it says ‘all that matters know is’ rather than ‘all that matters now is’


So that’s why I got the error I did when it crashed?

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No that’s just me reporting a typo, side topic entirely.

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So as a general update, now that the mod is out I’ve gone back to working on personal art and other things, I’ll probably keep the mod on the back burner until the game receives its next update.

I’ve also been considering the idea of World Of Horror commissions, it could be just drawings in the style of the game or actual mod commissions.
I’ll check people’s interest at some point when I feel I’d be ready to try it.

Thank you!

Yeah like storymaker mentioned, it’s just a typo in the story text. I’ve looked through files and I haven’t been able to find what would cause crashes.


Yeah, it never crashed on my side and I tested all choices and stuff. Maybe @jcjonesacp76 doesn’t have latest steam version?
No idea tbh
crashes in this game are very rare, and I’m sure mods shouldn’t be a problem


No, I do, the author himself said that there was a spelling error that causes the crash, I had an error code and everything.

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What? No. Read the comment again. He said that the typo has nothing to do with your crash.


Oh I’m blind and or dyslexic. Yeah got nothing then for why it crashes then only the error code I gave

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Just to confirm this, the typo couldn’t have possibly caused any crashes.

I have experienced crashes while playing with mods before, but none of them were consistent. I think there might just be a chance you’ll crash if you have mods on, but some people might get less lucky than others.

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thats great! i would love to playtest your mod…
what are the requirements for a smooth playtest of the mod?

You’re a bit late for it, play testing is done and the mod was released two weeks ago.

I bought WoH just to play this mod and i actually like it, although i do hope you add your own elder god with the next update as it really would be interesting

I remember the upcoming update said it’d have modable characters.