Worshippers of the Gain (Demo/Itch.io/Steam))

I honestly thought our protagonist was very tall and even though she gained there was much more for said weight to cover

I just recently had an erroneous scene with my first encounter with Ben. Because having 0 energy didn’t stop me, I tried out two of the competition scenes when I first met him. The first one went fine when I beat him at soccer and then tampered with his clothes. The second time around I chose exercise and then tied his shoe laces together. Despite meeting him that day in his skinny state, I got the text for when he gets tripped up at higher fat levels. Otherwise, the other interactions seem to be working fine but I haven’t been through everything yet.

Not sure how to explain this, but I can’t seem to find the option to have my clothes fixed by Matt. I got there, and I get the usual menu options from him, but nothing about fixing my tattered clothes (which he says looks fine, the pervert) and so I’m effectively trapped in my hotel room.


Obviously the only solution is to keep ordering room service until you’re too big for clothes. Then they can’t keep you locked up anymore.


I would love to! But, sadly, I do not have the option for that either. In fact, the only options I have are look at myself in the mirror, leave, or sleep. It’s all very strange.

Are you using a fresh save? I encountered this bug during testing, but only with older saves (Which are now incompatible due to some optimisations).

Fixed the incorrect Ben scene displaying, updating the files now. Gonna look into implementing a player energy check for competing with Ben in a later patch.

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Yeah, I was using an older save. I guess I have to start over. Shame, I was almost 4,000lbs.

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Yeah, sorry about that. Did try to keep it compatible, but it didn’t quite work. Might have a second run at it in the coming weeks though.

I’ll program in a warning message for older saves so nobody else gets caught out.

At least you tried. That’s all I can ask.


hey, is there going to be / or is there already a diety route where you “convert” the city?

I personally imagine that, if exists it will be very secret and that you need to do all the “fat routes” of the characters to unlock. honestly, I love the diety, and is my “character” that most calls my attention. I am super curious to know what will happen to the diety and what you have planned for him

besides, I love this game, and how it’s going (of all the routes, the one I’m scratching with curiosity is the matt route hehe)

Would you consider having the weight scaling be a toggleable option, or would that be too much work? The bombastic sizes of several thousand pounds do nothing for me, and I greatly preferred the old system. If you could toggle between semi-realistic / hyper sizes in the menu, that would cater to both crowds.


I’ll definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for the suggestion.

It’s definitely planned, but I want to turn it into its own thing where the player goes from victim to all-mighty pseudo-antagonist, causing trouble throughout the town. It’ll probably be an update all of its own, once more basic content is done.

I’m uploading a bug-fix at the moment that should restore compatibility for pre-U10 save files. I went back over my notes from the first time I attempted to implement it and spotted a mistake. Still probably isn’t perfect, but it worked when I tested it earlier :slight_smile:


I was starting to get pretty confused as to why a weight loss route would be super secret or why you would have to do all the “fat routes” first to unlock it… and then I realized you were talking about the deity, not diet-y things. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: That sounds a lot more interesting than what I was imagining, haha.


I did the same thing, lol.

yeah, when I wrote this I wasn’t doing very well, but hey, fun ideas are born of mistakes sometimes I guess. sorry for the misunderstanding

but I will not edit, there is something ironically funny about an entity that makes everyone fat called “THE DIETY” is … a mixture of that and laziness lol


So just curious, was there a recent patch? Cuz I went back to try and continue my update 10 run, and all of my saves were gone, including my most recent one that was a couple of days old or so.

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Yeah, update 10 came out 36 hours ago or so.

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I know that, but I tried update 10. I made a save for it and everything. I was playing on browser if that helps.

Yes, 9 hours ago @WOTGDEV just uploaded a patch to the game and made a post just a few above yours explaining that.

Alright, I just missed the post lol. Oh well, I’ll just restart some other time. Love this project! I always go for max gains lul