Worshippers of the Gain (Demo/Itch.io/Steam))

How do I achieve the side-with-deity route? Like I know I need to convince characters, but I don’t know what that is or how to do that.

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By talking with characters around the town, you can collect clues (blue text in your tablet). The Deity will appear in your dreams the same night you find the 9th clue, and if you bad-end after that then you’ll get a call from Bertha that starts the final week. During this time you can convince characters to help you if they like you enough.

Throughout the final week, the Deity will visit you to berate you for your activities. If you have more than 3 townsfolk convinced on the first meeting, or 5 on the second, they’ll offer a truce instead, and you’ll be tasked with stealing the townsfolks’ weight instead of convincing them. There are then 4 endings for siding with or betraying him, and the versions of those where you fail.


Unfortunately, there have been further delays with the Steam version of the game. At the earliest, it’s looking like the game will be available on Steam by the end of the month.

Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:


The last of the free keys for Patrons have now been sent (Steam download keys). If you’re a Patron and haven’t received your free copy, please contact me through Patreon DMs!


WOTG now has a Steam page!

The game will be available for purchase there on the 1st of March. Until then, please stay tuned for bug-fixes and potentially new content as well! :smiley:


Can you make a game guide for stuff like bad endings and naughty scenes?

One is pending, and should be available this weekend :slight_smile:

A bug-fix / performance patch is available for the game. You can read the changelog here!

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So quick question, if I want this game on Steam for easy updates, do I just wait for it to release there, or can I buy it through Itchio without needing to buy the game twice?

it’s already released on steam, you have to buy it on the storefront you want it on, they don’t crossover

Well on the Steam page it says it plans to release on the 2nd of March so I can’t buy it on Steam yet.

The full thing will be on steam? because ive been having plans of buying it

Itch and Steam are separate storefronts, so please wait for it to release on Steam if that’s where you’d like to play it.

The full game will release on Steam this Tuesday. It’s coming a month after the Itch release because there were some approval issues prior to being distributed on Steam.

Thank you all for the continued interest in my project! :smiley:


Worshippers of the Gain is now available on Steam!

A massive thank you to all the supporters and players for making this possible. I’ll be on maintenance duty this week, putting out the inevitable fires, but then I’ll be looking forwards to new content drops and events! :smiley:


Congrats on your release! I’ll probably grab the itch version myself, but I bet you will get a lot of exposure to furry fans on steam.


Steam had better make a sticker or two for this game. Definitely worthy of one.


Congrats for the release on Steam!!! ^^.

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Thank you all for the kind words! :heart:

Wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a light spoilers guide: I dont want to know what happens but moreso who I go to for ends that particularly have YOU on the recieving receiving end of things.

I may be misunderstanding, but the majority of the game’s bad ends have the player on the receiving end of the situation. With a few exceptions, like milk addiction endings, most the endings available result in the player’s downfall.