Hey guys, so i recently discover those fetish games and i have to Say i totally love it.
I’m a 2D / 3D motion designer looking forward to work on a fetish game like this. Never did some fetish stuff yet but if your interested i Can show you my work so you Can have an idea of what i Can provide.
I do
-3D animation
-vector based animation
-graphic design
-sound design
Welcome to the community! Glad to see someone new around.
I’m the developer of Faehna Engine. I mainly develop solo but if you’re interested, there are some things that I could use some help on. 3D games are pretty rare on this site and I’m hoping to try and fix that by making a customizable free-to-use character model (among other things) with support for most popular fetishes on this forum but I’m no expert and it’s relatively early in development so there’s plenty of stuff that could use improvement on it and someone experienced in 3D animation can probably find those flaws easier than I can.
If you’re interested then feel free to send me a message.
Hey, I’m a fairly decent programmer but quite a poor artist. I’ve started practicing drawing a couple of months ago, but that’s a different story.
Anyway, I’d love to work on a fetish visual novel and if you have an idea of realistically scoped project, I could help with the dialog and putting it into an actual game.