A fat furry game from a Japanese artist

Were you able to find all secret images? I’ve only found 17th day and 31st day.


10th day
13th day
17th day
31th day
and you can get in there almost any time.

I really want to play this game, but in japanes and with several endings? I kind of want to see where my patience leads me

AYYYY that works thanks!

how do i make it work, do i have to replace everything? I downloaded but still in Japanese

it have 12 ENDs.
common END-夏休みの終わり(暑假結束): you don’t have friend.
dog-friend end: be 千合’s friend.
idol’s lover end: help たまも Solve the rumor reporter.
debu idol’s lover: help たまも become fat idol.
swim pal end: be 水生’s friend.
very own niku bed end: be 飛驒’s friend, and make he fat.
rich friend end: help 爽太 before his whole family become blob.
Shrine maiden’s friend end: be かこちゃん’s friend.
blob end: a fatty drop into another world and just keep eating ,keep fattening.
the mad scientist end: drop into a dr.ジェノバ lab in another dimension.
get job end : get a job in 肥滿化喫茶(weight gain cafe).
dragon’s end: hidden end for dragon.

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the game is Japanese, but you can find ENG.ver WOLF rpg to run it, I know that WOLF RPG is not as well known outside of Asia.

Can you elaborate on this?

New problem i have no idea how to get this working lol ah well i can probably find it on the internet.

ok so i got it translated but i need to check it for errors

soo the texts is kinda works but the in game menu is not

set not Unicode language be “Japanese” or “Chinese”. (I’m Taiwanese, i can’t 100% know the problem you guys have, cuz my PC can run wolf rpg in any language.)

well i am using something called Translator++

well, i can’t help with that, sorry.

its all right i am going throw it to check spelling errors

Is my PC language setting.

How did you translate this with Translator++? I can get it to translate, but I can’t get the game to use the translated files.

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this should help

it will help me a lot .

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I tried using Translator++, but I screwed myself by opening the Data file as a word doc, so now it won’t properly extract the data, even tried deleting the reg file. I know this might be asking too much, but does anyone have a translated version of the game they can post?