A fat furry game from a Japanese artist

I think I managed to get most of it, I think the game.dat file is what prevents it from running after all of this is done.

here is my not all translated and bad spelling

Does anyone knows how to get the ticket?

OH dear lord is the dragon species supposed to be this ungodly slow?? am i missing something like a flight ability or something?

I believe that there is no running ability in this game. we have to put up with the slowest walking speed for the secret ending.

So, does anyone have any idea how to go about doing the fat idol end?

Also, I can’t for the life of me figure out the numbers puzzle in the manson

number puzzle’s answer is 1129, it is homophonic in Japanese as “いいにく(nice meat)”.
The funny thing is that the answer is completely unrelated to any number in mansion. As long as it is a weight gain fetish who know Japanese, you will know the answer.

you need to get “スイーツ☆スイーツ” before 25th day to debu idol end.

Where would you get that?

ticket will appear in 3rd day at shopping street, lie down around Underground stage entrance.

So, I got into the concert, what else am I suppose to do after getting rid of the stalker guy?

get a “肥滿化藥(weight gain potion)” and talk reporter in 20th day, add “肥滿化藥” into his soup when he is not paying attention.
and I can’t find out “スイーツ☆スイーツ” again, sorry.

Do you at least know where I can find her after the concert?

Is there a spot on the map I’m missing?
I can get into the city, the mansion, the store, the pool, and the business district, and as far as I can tell there is nothing to do in the mountain area.

first time you meet her is “7th day”, after the concert, there have a new NPC near underground stage entrance, talk to he and follow, and you can date Tamamo in first meet.

Alright, so on the 20th Tamamo the idol appears at the park, just don’t use any of the consumables that you get through out the game so far, since the translation we got from the helpful Wespooh doesn’t have the item names, and it clips off the screen every now and then.

Still no sign of the item that lets you make her fat, bit it seems that you can only meet up with Tamamo on the 7th, the 20th, and the 31th.

how do u get the weight gain potion

You talk to the bird lady in the store after getting the ticket(if it doesn’t work, try it again the next day), and choose the “Want to fatten” option when she asks you about your ticket.
If you aren’t playing the translated copy, it’s the second option.

can someone please put a translated version on here?

Hey onipuck thx for ur help and if u dont mind me askin hve u managed to make tamamo gain weight yet