A fat furry game from a Japanese artist

I have no clue how to fricken translate this! Someone make a video or something!!!

Okay, First off Geekyboy, look up in the thread, Wespooh put a mostly translated version yesterday.

Randomguy, no, I have not, I decided to take a break from playing it this afternoon, I’m going to try another attempt sometime later tonight.
I also made a post on the creator’s pixiv page for this asking how to find said necessary item.

Alright. Sorry about that. Is there at least a simple walkthrough to get me started? I’m really confused on how to play

We all are, the closest I can offer is just having your character sleep until the end and looking at the cheat sheet in the storage room near the shop on the last day.
Said storage room is on the school map, stand on the gray tile and face right, and press Z

why did you delete the post?

it was not needed dd

the deletion was not needed

hey how do you get the map?

Sec day , after eat lunch, pick up “社員証” on ground, go to “オフィス街(office street)”, go into middle of two pillars, you will see a NPC who you met once in restaurant, there have another NPC, talk to another one, it will give you “どすこい地図”, now you can go to “肥滿化喫茶(weight gain cafe)” , it is right at left of office street’s Entrance.

Thanks weepooh! I’ll have to check this out on a stream. (This is a SFW game right? Seems that’s the artist’s usual content.)

I guess so cuz i didnt see any nsfw content in the game

NOPE, it is for weight gain fetish of all age.
she even haven’t nipple.



Cool! Thanks for the heads up~

Does anyone know how to get the sweets sweets map?

I saw in my translation filesfor the underground stage that the fancy clothes demon will give you the map after a conversation where the demon claims ‘Tamamo-chan is depressed’. I can’t figure out how to access the event which most likely happens at the stage area after the concert but before the last day, and hinted by sdgiv1 to be before the 25th day.

you need get “黑曜の指輪” as fast as you can to meet demon, you can get it from 飛驒, if you give he 3枚 “無料食べ放題券”, you will get it least 10th day, first time meet he at mt.おにぎり , 5th day at school, 10th day at shopping street.

Wait, I’m confused, are you talking about the dragon guy that lets you access the office area by dropping a piece of paper?

before you eat first lunch in restaurant , cook will give you “無料食べ放題券(free eating ticket)” *3, cuz you are friend of 満, let you can get more people come eating foods, 飛驒 is homeless, he doesn’t have money for eating, you give ticket, he will give key-item for other END.

Oh, the crow guy, I gotcha now.

remember, use “黑曜の指輪(Obsidian ring)” in home after all days work, before get on the bed, else you will waste a day.

What does the Obsidian ring do?

Also, still can’t find the Sweets suite thing, but I have found out that the mouse has the fastest walk speed, which I like.
I also like playing tiny characters too.