A fat furry game from a Japanese artist

Where is the obsidian ring

let you meet the demons.

meet 飛驒 3 time and you give “無料食べ放題券(free eating ticket)” every time, 3rd time he will give “黑曜の指輪(Obsidian ring)”.

Unfortunately when i try to start the game (no matter where i downloaded it from) i get a reading error message saying “cannot locate basic info data game.dat”

Has anyone had a similar problem?



Please help. I can’t figure this out.

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The original text is: that child is a golden egg (meaning fragile but precious), and definitely can’t give up her easily, I know.
that demon is her broker。

What I mean is that I can’t figure out how to get the map from her, which I believe must be done on some day after the concert. fiddle-ing with 23 days is driving me up the wall. I can’t re-enter the stage area and Firefly-Hotaru Nia only gives the same 3 random responses in the museum after finishing her introduction. There is the Firefly line " fancy clothes talk to demons."(could be a mistranslated talk to Fancy Clothes Demon) in my translation files, but it never comes up in gameplay.

i don’t think so, i think you need to talk reporter in 20th day, get photo, go home, use “黑曜の指輪(Obsidian ring)” and talk to 螢文, maybe she will give you “スイーツ☆スイーツ".

That’s the crow, right, because I have him in the house, and it’s constantly asking me if I want to give him the obesity medicine, but I need that to deal with that paparazzi guy.

Never mind, must have missed the text telling me it was put there.

When you say talk to 螢文, or any of the kanji, can you also describe what the sprite looks like so we can know if we got the right person, please?

just use “黑曜の指輪(Obsidian ring)” once, and you will know who is 螢文.

Oh, the human in the jumbled together museum.
I ran through all of their dialog every day I could.

Still no Sweets Suite item, I have just one question, am I not suppose to talk to the paparazzi guy after blimping him?

sorry, looks like after 20th before 25th , meet 螢文 with photo, if variable is the right one, she will Transfer you to underground stage, and you can get “スイーツ☆スイーツ”, but idk what is this variable, maybe is your FAT level.

Took a break before tackling this again.

The variable isn’t max fat, or giving the crow two obesity medicines.

Dumb question, is this a female gaining game or male gaining? Just wondering

Both. But, there is a heavy focus on males, thankfully

I’m still completely lost in the game…

Tamamo meat end hints were given in plain view, slight lost in translation. Without full spoiler hints:

No hidden events happen outside ticket, stalker, 20th, 21st-25th limited time windows.
Consider what event might cause her depression.
Requires a certain map unlock and ring. Free hint: burn the day at this location for extra dialog.
Needs 2 extra weight med to complete scenario.

Okay, for those curious, I’ve finally managed to get “スイーツ☆スイーツ” thanks to that hint. It turns out all you needed to do was Ignore the paparazzi guy after leaving Imori park, then talk to Nia within the next few days (not including the 20th). Still not sure what you do after that though; Tamamo still seems to be upset no matter what is said to her.

Found where it is.
It’s in the shopping district, the second alley going south.