Idle text game
Latest alpha instance: v 0.4.0 ((( RETIRED )))
Last update: 2016.11
[] Check your character status every day (or whenever you like)
[] Optimized for small screens
[] Control eating policy, equip weapons
[] Schedule dungeon explorations; seek treasures
[] Buy food; sell loot
[] It is not necessary to save game. The character runs on server even when you are not looking.
[*] To open character list, click page title which says “Meadoiwe”
[] Basic inventory, equipment
[] Sell items, buy foods
[] More dungeons, improved balance (not to say balance is good now). 12th dungeon is supposed to be the most difficult one.
[] Eating policy: set both how much and how often character eats.
[] Lunch breaks in dungeons
[] Part time job: can be enabled or disabled. Might help with losing weight.
[] Game pace set to 1:6 meaning that one real-life day is like six days for the character.
[] Long-journal page added.
[] Effects page added. It is possible that not all effects are present right now; I might add new effect messages later. I also should probably implement effect reordering to reduce effects jumping.
[] Added “government financial aid” for character that are low on money so that they don’t die from starvation. It activates when money < 5000
I intend to update the first message of this forum thread every time there is a major update.
I can’t restore passwords because user accounts are not connected with emails in any way so I cant mail a new password.
Please provide suggestions, complaints, bug reports. Please send bug reports as private messages to my account on this forum.
2018.11.25 upd
Posted source code of the porj.: A game - #110 by dj_sharp