The project is retired. However I decided to post source code in case someone wants to take a look or run it. Though who am I kidding, nobody needs this sh*t.
Anyway here is the full source code for the project
Server code is in src/ho
Browser-side code is in src/javascript and src/page (557.9 KB)
I deleted repo history because it had my name and also some possibly sensitive files
The version which I used in production used huge .json file for storage. However I later decided to use boltdb for storage. At the time when I abandoned the project, the db stuff was still in work-in-progress so it might be a bit buggy. I tested this sh*t before posting it and what can I say, well at least it started and displayed the webUI… Didn’t test it further. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
How to run: setup golang, set gopath to project dir, run build-and-run.bat → it’s available on localhost:9001/meadowie (startup takes some time, no idea what it’s doing for so long lol)
To run on Linux u need basicly nothing, only build and start app as a service