A game

I’ve been using the same character for awhile now and put her eating status on bloated. That made her eat up to 150%, but recently she’s eating up to 175% - 180% and it says she’s very bloated. Is that normal?


As I said earlier, I intend to implement 3 more features before the next release. More like for the first release (because the previous release was a 0 in a sense).
Of these planned features by now I implemented roughly one half:

[] Status screen is now implemented
] Buy & use food: halfway there. I added types of foods and shopping list UI. On shopping list page user makes assignments: for example: buy 10 portions of Cereal; 5 hamburgers and one sweet bun. (these are types of foods I added; for now they differ by nutrition ratio, volume and price)
[*] Part time jobs: have not started implementing this feature yet

Regarding the question: the reason why it eats past 150% is that it can start eating at 149% and once it starts eating an item it wont stop; therefore if item fills 26% of the stomach, it can start at 149%; end at 175%.


Planned features are now implemented: 2 of 3

[] Status screen is now implemented (not to say there is no room for improvement)
] Buy & use food: is now implemented. Character buys food at the market square. Character uses food from inventory at home. Character can now have lunch break in dungeon after it cleared a room. Expect bugs.
[*] Part time jobs: not implemented yet; I will probably do something simple and then maybe improve it later

After I implement the third feature I will write new deployment code… Then I will deploy the app. Then I will test it myself for a week maybe to see if it works niCeLy. Then I will post it here…

+Another feature I added is long-journal. It should further enhance idle-game experience. For example, imagine user sent the character to explore a dungeon. On the next day the user wants to check the results. However after 24 hours dungeon exploration journal records might expire so the user wont be able to see them because new journal entries gradually push old journal entries into the abyss so to say… So I set journal record limit to 300. Should be enough, though a side-effect is that RAM usage gets worse. Status page displays up to 32 journal entries. The new long-journal page displays up to 300 journal entries… This feature is already implemented.

Regarding the disappeared question: it is probably a result of the decision-making system I had at the time when I deployed the app. It is probably a bug.

Just for fun, how heavy have you gotten your characters so far? My highest is 92.8.

The first major update for the awful game of awfulness is now ready. I spent about four days testing it (not taking into account in-dev testing). Good thing I did because I found and fixed several major bugs and inconveniences. Thats not to say the gaem is bug-free. I cant test everything. I tested it from my phone and let me tell you I see no technical issue with using it on a phone (provided sufficient specs and a compatible browser). You can keep the browser tab open and it will be available at any time if its online.

I transferred all user accounts from the old instance so you probably can log in to new instance with your old username and password. Oh and you probably cant stay logged in to more than one instance per browser. The characters are not transferred. However in future I will maybe transfer characters. Or maybe not. With the updates being so infrequent u will probably get bored from your old character anyway - by the time an update becomes available. I also don’t like the idea of touching an existing instance because updates are nice of course but if I accidently break something then ppl might get angry with me. I realized that “hot” updates are somewhat possible but I am not willing to take this risk. I will probably hot-update only critical bugs, not features.

I will later start working on new features. Here are some features I have planned for future: body strength, physical training, death from weight loss, death from overeating, enemies who feed u, more weapons, food items, armor, clothes, shields, improved combat log, icons for journal items, more various texts for events, reduce RAM usage… . These features are not implemented yet; they are planned for future.

I hope the new instance will work nicely


Idle text game

Latest alpha instance: v 0.4.0 http://hinst.ru/meadowie0004
Last update: 2016.11

[] Check your character status every day (or whenever you like)
] Optimized for small screens
[] Control eating policy, equip weapons
] Schedule dungeon explorations; seek treasures
[] Buy food; sell loot
] It is not necessary to save game. The character runs on server even when you are not looking.
[*] To open character list, click page title which says “Meadoiwe”

[] Basic inventory, equipment
] Sell items, buy foods
[] More dungeons, improved balance (not to say balance is good now). 12th dungeon is supposed to be the most difficult one.
] Eating policy: set both how much and how often character eats.
[] Lunch breaks in dungeons
] Part time job: can be enabled or disabled. Might help with losing weight.
[] Game pace set to 1:6 meaning that one real-life day is like six days for the character.
] Long-journal page added.
[] Effects page added. It is possible that not all effects are present right now; I might add new effect messages later. I also should probably implement effect reordering to reduce effects jumping.
] Added “government financial aid” for character that are low on money so that they don’t die from starvation. It activates when money < 5000

I intend to update the first message of this forum thread every time there is a major update.

I can’t restore passwords because user accounts are not connected with emails in any way so I cant mail a new password.

Please provide suggestions, complaints, bug reports, maybe questions.

This is quite good!

It’s pretty good, takes a while to do stuff though, especially gain weight, though I’ve only done the first three floors so far.:stuck_out_tongue:

Will we be able to train our stats at some point?

nice update. the marketplace addition makes it feel more fleshed out.

if i were to make a suggestion, i would say change the color of the background to something darker
as white backgrounds make my eyes hurt after awhile.

Well I am glad someone liked it. Good thing it did not crash so far.

Regarding training stats: upper body strength training is at the top of my planned feature list. User will be able to schedule physical trainings. Right now you can “train” weight stat. It does affect combat because fatter characters have more health therefore they are harder to kill. And also I think that fatter characters regain health a bit faster; though I am not sure; I have to look through the code to be sure. This reminds me that I should add health and normal-health stats to detail page so that the user can see how much health the characters has compared to normal health; just like I have weight and normal-weight in there right now.

Regarding background color: I might add a setting… we will see

New gamer, first experience with this.
Went and put in a char without bothering to read a single line of discussion and started to roam around.
What I liked MUCH:

  • didn’t crash (still going strong)
  • simple enough for a simple player
  • not too much grief though char died. She was going again in no time at all - nice for a noob with one rusty sword like me.
  • good, but not overflowing prizes in dungeons. Worries vanished after a few hours game-play (and finally reading trough the discussion here. Thanks for the feature that keeps even neglected chars alive!)

What I wondered a little bit at first:

  • got quite tall girl (180 cm), would have preferred petite or medium, but no matter. Learned to accept her totally after realizing that there’s more room for growth with tall ones. :slight_smile:

Feelings after first 6… 7 hrs: Great! What a novel thing you have done. My sincere thanks.

[quote=“dj_sharp, post:49, topic:849”]Well I am glad someone liked it. Good thing it did not crash so far.

Regarding training stats: upper body strength training is at the top of my planned feature list. User will be able to schedule physical trainings. Right now you can “train” weight stat. It does affect combat because fatter characters have more health therefore they are harder to kill. And also I think that fatter characters regain health a bit faster; though I am not sure; I have to look through the code to be sure. This reminds me that I should add health and normal-health stats to detail page so that the user can see how much health the characters has compared to normal health; just like I have weight and normal-weight in there right now.

Regarding background color: I might add a setting… we will see[/quote]
Personally what I would do is have levels like in RPG. And you get exp for every enemy you defeat.

[quote=“tsap, post:50, topic:849”]New gamer, first experience with this.
Went and put in a char without bothering to read a single line of discussion and started to roam around.
What I liked MUCH:

  • didn’t crash (still going strong)
  • simple enough for a simple player
  • not too much grief though char died. She was going again in no time at all - nice for a noob with one rusty sword like me.
  • good, but not overflowing prizes in dungeons. Worries vanished after a few hours game-play (and finally reading trough the discussion here. Thanks for the feature that keeps even neglected chars alive!)

What I wondered a little bit at first:

  • got quite tall girl (180 cm), would have preferred petite or medium, but no matter. Learned to accept her totally after realizing that there’s more room for growth with tall ones. :slight_smile:

Feelings after first 6… 7 hrs: Great! What a novel thing you have done. My sincere thanks.[/quote]

I think everyone starts out at 180 cm because my did as well would really like an option to customize them before you start

Yeah, my only personal gripe about a minute in is the 0 character creation. Haven’t played much else yet! :stuck_out_tongue:

So I managed to get my character energy at 100%… Turns out it doesn’t increase weight gain speed. Just sharing if anyone is wondering. Fun game though.

Err… how do you access the inventory?

Choose and press either “Open journal” at the bottom of the site or small “m” in the top right corner. Then press “inventory”.
(Back with the choice of “status”)

Found the problem. I was using the old link. Though I have to start over now… I had a character at almost 100 kilos in the previous version.

Darn! I think I understand your ire. I have hoarded some currency and think that even dying is some nuisance. Starting from beginning is much harder, I reckon.
I quote:
//18:51 I respawn.
18:51 I am now dead. Argh!
18:51 I encountered 4 x Mischievous Rat // (tried this Hill of zombies at svelte 93.6 kg:s - was too weak, obviously - and yet I can’t quite get the idea about a few stone-weights of lard making a girl tougher. A life-time of thinking the opposite gives one funny ideas, I suppose. Well… must adapt and make my dear one grow. :-\

PS. Any chance for mobility scooter later for my girl? I am kinda compassionate player.

diggin the update!

You’ve probably got more ideas along these lines in the works or at least as ideas, but I think some character customization would be nice next; maybe just some basic body type stuff like height and other physical details, and I would like to see some drops from enemies as well as room searching. I went through 7 rooms and plenty of bandits and got only one room’s worth of plunder. it’s nice because it puts a premium on checking back and sending your person on more dungeon runs, but it might be better to spread out some lesser but more common loot drops.

keep up the good work!

An interesting experiment… I think it would benefit from having a bit more player agency, such as being able to abort or heal between dungeon rooms, perhaps using expendable items. Obviously being able to use Stamina or money for anything would also be good, and I couldn’t see a reason to buy anything other than sweet buns for food items.

A couple spots where I got confused on the UI were:

  1. The X on the “Prioritize” button in the Food Buy screen made me think that was the button to cancel prioritization, rather than that being the un-prioritized state until I looked back over after a while and my character was just sitting at home starving.
  2. I didn’t realize that I could equip two weapons simultaneously until I did it on accident. Maybe show something in the combat detail page when one has an empty hand, or perhaps give empty hand a combat bonus of its own such as .01 to suggest that dual wielding is possible since it helps so much.

All in all, this isn’t a bad start if you can find a way to bring in more meaningful choices to give people a reason to come back regularly.