A game

Ah, thank you. Although now I have the problem of not being able to create a character. “error code =”.

Hmm, can you take a screenshot? I’m not seeing anything on my end.

I was getting the same error, you have to register on the site first.

It looks like the server has trouble handling a username with spaces in it on this request. Try creating a new user without a space in the name.

I can’t seem to pin down exactly where it fails when using a space, I just know that it does. I will forbid usernames with spaces in them for the time being.

Same problem but my name don’t have any tipe of space :pensive: Can I try to create a new account?

Yes, although since I can’t see the navbar (it’s in the menu on the right), I can’t tell if the site thinks you’re logged in or not. It is possible that you’re no longer logged in because the server was restarted, so I would try logging out + in again first.

Logging out doesn’t seem to work because when I go back to the main screen to create a character I’m logged in still as the user. Regardless it doesn’t work. Get the same result.

Due to the JS code not clearing the UserName cookie, it may appear like you were still logged in, but I think you were actually logged out. I’ve updated it to now clear that cookie, but as far as I can tell there are no issues creating characters. I’ve just made a new account and a new character without issue.

If it’s still not working, clear your cookies and try again.

And to make it even clearer, I now also force you to the log-in page if you are not logged in on the New Character page. To ensure you’re running the latest code, please hold shift and reload the page to force your browser to fetch it.

Edit: small mistake, made the cookie have the wrong path. Should be in working order now.
Edit 2: Nope, another missed cookie set. Hopefully the last one :slight_smile:

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Same issue. Tried clearing the cookies and everything, reloading it all. I give up at this point. Thanks for trying though.