A Hero's Retirement 1.1: A New Look

Good to know lol. I don’t think yuu is a saint persay, I mean you just kinda murder that clown but I get your reasoning. You did a really good job making the inn people super hateable though so I wish something happened. Obviously the things that DID happen are pretty nice, but would’ve been fun if more happened. Maybe get the massive-size Ophelia to sit on it or something lol

Will-o’-wisp portal puzzle key Blue, Blue, Yellow, Green, Blue, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Blue.

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I’ve literally only ever designed one game it will take you two weeks to surpass me

The inn people were a lot of fun to write. Rich people always make for great villains, and I just found the sarcastic dialog (and newspaper gag) to flow really well.

I tried to keep Yuu more or less a chaotic neutral at his darkest. Clown murder doesn’t count, because it assumes the clown was a person.


So, since there’s a lot of complaint about the maze, I think it’d be useful to talk about why it’s such a slog; or, rather, why the warp puzzle is a slog. See, most of the game’s problem-solving is fairly straightforward, and then you have this really elaborate series of portals with rules that aren’t very clearly explained in any way. It’s a maze in its own way, but it’s more abstract and there aren’t clear hints as to what all the portals do.

Yellow and red are clear. Yellow sends you to the last room you were in, while red removes you from it entirely. But then blue and green seem to take you to random rooms within the maze or send you back to the start, so you have to figure it out by lengthy trial-and-error. If there was some writing on a statue to read with hints on how these portals work, or if the portals simply had clearer rules, then that could remedy the problem. As it stands, though, there’s not really much in the way of hints, it’s just brute-forcing combinations until you get the right one. Also, there’s nothing in the last room that indicates that you can keep going, so that was annoying.


That’s a really good point, thanks for your clarity.

Let me think on it, and I’ll try to whip something up in the next day or so that explains things a little better without being too blindingly obvious about the solution.

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I clearly have problems, as I laughed way harder at that then I should have.

And I saw the gravestone tribute to the Berserk mangaka Kentaro Miura. Thought that was nice to see.


I came here for fats, not to cry.

How dare you!


The berserk allusions were honestly sad but beautiful. I also appreciated the Konosuba cast making an appearance, though sad we can’t share a little food with Aqua (Sue me I have issues lol)


I played the game and had fun with it. If you’d like I do have some quality of life suggestions that arn’t a ton of work to add and would help with some of the less fun puzzles. I can tell that you’re pretty good at eventing already because everything you had worked how you would expect it to.


Wow, sure, I’m all ears! I’ve been taking a lot away from all the comments so far, and I’ll gladly hear any ideas you have on how to improve this game or any future ones!

This is so cool, since your game was one of the major influences for mine!


Heads up, I’m making some tiny additions to the warp puzzle to hopefully make it a bit easier.

While I’m on the map, though, I’ve been editing the maze (mostly widening passages and shortening dead ends) to make it feel a little less claustrophobic, and adding a bit of detail to make it a tad less same-y looking.

So if you happened to save in while in there and now find yourself merged with a wall or something…




Right, new version with slightly less shitty-looking basement and moderately less shitty warp puzzle should be up. As usual, give me a shout if I broke anything in the process; almost uploaded the playtest version where Yuu would’ve started the game from that puzzle instead of the intro.

And as I stated above, don’t overwrite your old files until you’re out of the basement. Or else… wall person.


All in all, Yuu’s just…another prick in the wall


To be honest, the map size and spacing is really reminding me of Earthbound Zero.

But I miiiight just be telling myself that so as not to get too annoyed at how long it takes to get anywhere.

Regardless, one gripe, but great little game, and excellent first go-around. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from this if you continue making stuff, as I hope you do.

Ok so I’d say the least fun parts of the game are the map size, the cards, the maze, and the land mines.

Remaking the map to be smaller would be ideal, but if you don’t want to do that then just bump up the default move speed or give the guy a horse or something and it’ll be good enough. Adding more landmarks would also help since a vast amount of the time it’s just an entire screen of grass

For the card game you could go a few way but I think it’s going to need a bit more work. I havn’t looked at how the event is set up but I assume it’s Random dialog variable Random card variable* and then go. If you tie the dialog to the card, or tie the back of the card image to the front of the card image you could add in a sort of tell when they’re about to play the godess.

For the maze I’d say just add a torch to the corner of some of the correct paths. Not all of them, but enough that people can sort of get an idea where to go. I’d also color code them.

Landmine should be easy. I didn’t look at how it’s set up but unless they actually appear in random spots you can add some slightly hard to see cracks in the ground over top of them so it looks like they’ve been dug and planted there. Should also keep it sort of hard since you wont see all the cracks while hectic sprinting.

Very absolute last thing is just me being dumb, but dang I’d like more girls because the way you set these ones up was real good.


IS story good? Yes
But the size of map is annoying - a lot of empty space that you can’t use, basement quest is not even funny (especially the part with teleporting) and Cards game is all about waiting till proper message/quote from enemy, then you know that you need to use death card.
Another good part of this game is also interesting and funny main character, but i think that it’s not enough to make this game good.
In my opinion, it’s only decent - and i explained why i think like that.
I hope that you won’t stop making other games after all, i’m waiting for second one where map won’t be so huge and mini games will be funnier!

Still waiting for the next version of the game to play, but I think I know the way to fix the big maps: make the playable character(s) able to get hefty enough to need all that space. :thinking:

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Nice ideas. I forgot that increasing player speed was even a possibility, I’ll have to look into making that a common event once I confirm it won’t throw off any time-sensitive events.

For the card game, dialog IS actually tied to the card: each enemy chuckles to himself before playing the Goddess card. It’s ripped off from a Kaiji game where the goal is to read when your opponent plays the winning card. A lot of the fancy inn quests are inspired by Kaiji…

Torches are a fantastic idea! Honestly, I’m new enough at this I completely forgot they exist as a Flame event, and here I was using just the tilesets to flesh out that dungeon. Hopefully it should already be a little easier to find one’s way around the place with the edits I did to the maze, but I can definitely throw in some torches to make things feel more organic.

Landmines I still want to be a bit of a challenge, I’ll have to take a hard look at the crack tilesets to figure out which are hard enough to see. Or maybe increase the number of mines if all the options are too obvious. I’ll play with it a bit.

Finally, thanks for the compliment regarding the girls, writing the dialog and fleshing out (ha) their characters was one of the more challenging aspects! And I still don’t have much confidence in my sprite-editing skills, so fattening up a lot more characters is would be a real ordeal right now. But it’s highly likely my next (eventual) project will be bigger in scope, I kept my goals simple for this one so I could focus on learning how to work with the system.

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A couple things.

First, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INPUT AND SUPPORT. It means a lot to me that so many people took time out of their busy schedules to try out some rando’s first stab at an RPG Maker fetish game. Your comments have given me a lot of insight that I lacked when developing this game in secret.

Second, I DO INTEND TO REMAKE THE TOWN MAP. I work hella slow (and the last half of June’s going to be packed schedule-wise for me), so don’t expect the revamped version especially soon, but after a lot of thought I’ve concluded this much-requested change will be worth all the extra time and effort. As of now, I plan of chopping things up thusly:

Third, THIS WILL LIKELY BE THE FINAL MAJOR EDIT OF THIS GAME. Just this, then the inevitable bugfix after I inevitably dick something up during the move. It’s not fair to you guys if I keep on changing the game a billion times, and you keep needing to download the improved version each time.

As such, this is your (probably long) window to hit me with suggestions. I’m not about to do any major overhauls to the puzzles or add any new love interests or anything; I primarily want to reorganize things to make the game more functional. But if you have minor tweaks or suggestions to improve the gaming experience, or technical issues you’re still experiencing, now’s the time to bring ‘em up. If you got a chance to re-play Isis’ basement and the warp puzzle, let me know if the changes were an improvement or not.

Thanks again!