A Piece of Cake / C'est de la tarte (le français) English Translation [RenPy]

Windows is stupid.

I just installed Java. The .jar file opens normally. But if I make a batch file to open it from the command line, it insists I don’t have Java installed and fails.

Stupid Windows…

Good to know. I will add something ready for next time. Still no idea why that character trips up for some users - it’s worked hundreds of times for me (with Ren’Py on auto-reaload too).

No, I’m not rewriting in in another language! Make sure .jar files are associated with Java and not some broken unzip tool. If the jar has been unzipped, delete any folders and files that aren’t part of the original zip.

As pointed out many, many times in this thread, report game bugs on the dev’s itchio. They won’t see it here, and I can’t fix it.

You probably need to set up the environment variable JAVA_HOME and ensure java is in your path. Either for your user environment as a whole, or for that script.

If your running the patcher from a script you can pass the location of the game as a parameter so you only need to click on “Patch”, eg:

java -jar RenTx.jar C:/Users/dingo/Downloads/Cestdelatarte-0.19-pc
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All, the pre-patched English version for Windows is now available from itch.io.


To reiterate with all the new updates, you still can’t get the friend to move in with you, right?

Translation works good without any problems.
Hovewer the game itself still has some mechanical problem related to health/hunger - to be healthy and not die you need only eat salad, drink water, workout, go for a walk each day. At the same time 1 salad already makes you too full and you are almost dead after eating it.

Potion of youth doesn’t change the age on the translation one does lower the weight in half though. Least on the one I downloaded from itch the translated 0.19 that shows up on there

There are still bugs in the game so report those on itch. The translation doesn’t change the game mechanics at all (for better or worse), so any bugs are in the original.

However I think some of the bugs have been fixed prior to the translation being patched in.


I’ll make a itch account tomorrow or sometime and say about it

I’ve just checked the itch page and it’s already been reported. An itch account is good though for following the game/author. Also quite a few other devs from here use itch.


Are there any new interactions when your adopted child ages up or gains weight?

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I don’t think so. It’s been a good while since it’s been possible to play through the game until she leaves university though, and I really can’t remember what was in those old versions.


What does the mini-baobab do

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Similar to the ways the statue works on your breasts there’s now three more “magic items”, one for each other aspect: belly, butt, and other-body-fat. It does hint at what each is for.

Baobab: Belly
Ring: Butt
Shell: Body fat


How can I get these four? (Baobab, ring, shell and statue)

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unsure about ring and baobab, but shell is from an rng event for walking along the beach with a bikini, and statue is from having a large enough chest size to unlock an rng event while reading in the library (i only read romance books, don’t know if science book work)


You can get the baobab by purchasing a computer and creating a curvy vids account, after daily posting for a while you’ll trigger an event, the company will mail you the baobab as a reward for posting so much.


Thanks a lot! That really help me.

Has anyone found the ring yet?

I found the ring while foraging in the forest with the Friend


Thanks! I was purposely avoiding the friend while I looked…

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