Hello all,
This is the first release of my updates to Somchu’s ‘Abducted’ game.
I just call it “Abducted Plus+” as to try and keep things simple.
My apologies for any content or descriptions that may seem too short or lacking. I will need time to learn what kind of writing style people are looking for. Pretty much finding the right mix of 'Casual/Wholesome vs for lack of better word ‘fetishy’? So some things may get longer as I get a better idea.
For this reason I did not add any new weight levels to the character descriptions yet.
Due be aware I did not touch or personally play the uncooperative route that has been in the game, so some changes I have made could have messed with those.
-Added a disclaimer to the launch screen regarding Plus+ vs Original
-Corrected typos from the Original release, I think I got most of them.
-PC Sex: You now choose a biological sex for your PC, only will effect descriptions and not content now and going forward. PC sex and Subject# now appear in the character description.
-Use shower: Gave the shower a short proper scene. The shower also now has a new optional use.
Added an options menu to the bathroom for the following items
-Toggle Descriptors (All off by default): This is where I will include optional extra flavor text options that some people may want for their character, while others would not. These are virtually painless for me to implement and apply. -Sweat- being the only one at the moment and gives the shower its optional use. Exercise/workout activities add a short sweat tidbit onto your characters description. Showering removes it etc.
-Update Old Character to Plus+: I did not want to assume everyone would want to start a new character , so heading into this option will let you choose PC sex, and add certain hidden flags needed for select new and future content.
-Current Content Plateau: Just gives a brief idea of the point you have access to all current content. (more important later on as I add stuff)
(That it for options at the moment)
-Examine Self: You can now view your PC appearance while in the hall, as you would in the bathroom.
-Laze around and watch tv: Instead of just the servant robot, Dr. Halessie now has a chance to bring the PC snacks. This is its own random chance, and can double dip with the servant robot.
-House call Dr. Halessie: If you are unable to leave your room at the end your day, and did not have an office visit with the Doctor this option will be available. It offers slightly different dialogue, and replaces the treadmill workout with a simple medicine ball one.
Immobility Changes: New scenes and options
This will enter the PC into ‘Chapter 2’ for new content/plot as it comes out.
Referring to my ‘I will need time to learn what kind of writing style people are looking for’. Comment.
I definitely wrote way too much for this part. It has been at least 10+ years since I wrote anything with goal of appealing to myself and others. I do not know if I retained that skill and may have wrote something people won’t enjoy etc. But maybe you will, time will tell.
-Immobility option 1: (Decline Treatment) - You experience the immobility end as it was in the original game.
-Immobility option 2a: (Accept Treatment) - Through the magic of science you will keep playing after the Immobility check. After agreeing to the treatment choose the top option to not have any changes made to your PC.
-Immobility option 2b: (Accept Treatment, gain a mutation) Through the magic of science you will keep playing after the Immobility check. After agreeing to the treatment choose the bottom option that references sci-fi/fantasy
I know some people like having some sort of sci-fi/fantasy aspect to their characters so this option leads to the PC growing a fleshy, muscular Tail - Similar and not unlike that of a D&D Tiefling
I do not think transformations beyond this one could happen, only because the core aspect of the game is resolved around humans being discovered. The PC constantly having to clear up misconceptions regarding humans and tails, I personally find funny. But anything else I worry would hurt the general feel of the game.
-Push it to the limit!: This is an option I added for players who don’t like watching their weight number just infinitely scale with no description changes being made to them.
After you exercise and are at least 800 pounds (immobility triggers around 750)
the ‘Push it to the limit!’ will appear that allows the PC to lose a large chunk of weight (25 pounds). Comes with a few sentence filler scene, but doing this every couple of days should offset most of the PC weight gain.
Bugs/Things to note:
I did try and test as much content with as many different scenarios as I reasonably could. So we should be free of any major bugs (That would be nice)
However, you may notice there are some large gaps between character choices/links at moment. I could not get them all as close together as I wanted due to the way I’ve been changing things. Ill keep an eye on it.
Abducted Plus+ A (WG)HFY Story - Version: 0.2 (Was extremely bugged for me, but will leave it up since I wont be around for about a day, to keep an eye on V0.3 which should be a lot better.)
(Top right corner for the download button)
Abducted Plus+ A (WG)HFY Story - Version: 0.3
Character Descriptions fixed: (mirror/hallway) should work flawlessly now. I broke something in V0.2 on my end at least, not sure if it was working for others. So it should fix some events by relation.
I separated the PC’s sex choice from the Plus+ update option in the menus - So people can change whenever, if they need to for any reason.
(This is working at the moment, I just have it turned off until I know if nothing is broken with normal content for real this time)
Added an option after the PC’s sex choice for further race identity if anyone is into that. In short you replace words with others. So people can play a more specified or regional human species of whatever they want to type in. Purely as an example, in the Elder Scrolls Series where there multiple human races, this can change ‘human(s)’ into ‘nord(s)’. Other words like ‘humanity’ are in there too, but they are more broad and can be left alone I am sure. But, the menu is there, just won’t have any effect right now.
~Someone technically could play a more unique/custom race with these, but some scenes may be weird depending on what was put in.
~~Anyway, I would very much like to start the ‘real’ content I had planned, so here is to hoping things work as I intended them now.
Unless I am forgetting something, I believe that is everything that has changed currently.
I changed the way some events flow, as it makes it easier for me to plop in content and insert those Toggle Descriptors I mentioned. So a good amount of time was spent was getting stuff ready for going forward and letting me add in descriptors as people ask for them.
For the next actual update once I stop breaking things.
I will be adding in a “new” named npc. and if I can implement them the way I want they are gonna be a goodie. So thank you very much everyone for giving me a chance and I hope you like what I have so far~