Woo nelly this is a long one.
@cerberus So, turns out there is actually going to be one more transformation in Zone 3. So once we get there, you will get another option if the PC wants to some extra flavor and all that.
@FlabTepes Okay so! What’s involved… (This is for everyone’s benefit, not just yours, thus why its long too.) (Also tell me/DM me how do the compressed text, I need that in my life)
Creating a descriptor is easy and painless.
The earlier I know somebody wants something in the better. So for example, when the first toggleable descriptors were added. I has able to just place them along content as I went. Boom done.
Now for example with the burps descriptor coming, I now to have to go back and place it in where it could be useful. Which is still not really that hard or time consuming, but the longer this goes on the harder it gets.
Also retroactive implementation might be as thorough since it wasn’t in my mind when I was writing a scene. - Which is kind of why I’ve stressed people to tell me if they want one since I started this venture - Its sort of ‘speak now or forever hold your peace sense’
Now in terms of the custom race stuff…
It follows the same exact logic. HOWEVER is much more ‘involved’ because of the sheer number of varieties involved. (kind of). As you said for skin type, texture, color, etc. These are all easy as hell when it comes to examine self/mirror. Such is why I created the custom descriptor, with this very idea in mind. Cause you can literally type in what you want, as extra details for your character.
Once you start breaking it up and implementing, not terrible still. But the issue being ultimately me trying to please as many people as possible. For example, sweat - works for both custom races and humans. Where a custom race item, only works for them.
The tail I made into an exception, because of two very simple reasons.
- One of the safest please all transformations/details.
When I added it, I cited D&D Tieflings as an example.
‘Meaty’ tails are common ground when it comes people’s character interests. People like demons or aliens or furries(scalies) or W/E. So it gets mileage from not just one specific group. So it makes sense to me, for it to be there.
- Breaking into new territory with this logic here - Muscular/skeletal tails carry fat deposits irl etc, Its a thing, it’s what we are here for, so I believe it pleases a sizable minority.
I am sure some people wish I didn’t spend those 60 mins on it, but really at that point…
Long story short! The more toggle stuff I add, the more I need to write per scene etc.
Once I post the next update (Should be less than 24 hours) Ill be a making a streamlined. Contributions guide, about what people can do for me to be helpful etc.
@sasuga20000 I am truly glad you are enjoying it. I know some people want to play as males, and was pretty much painless to do~
@memes I am happy you love it so far, The ‘new’ tail description is fixed in the next update. I also somehow how forgot to add it the weight stages before that. Which is also fixed. @FlabTepes There are 8 stages leading up to that. Two very basic descriptions cover those.