Updated Main Post
Change log - Version 0.75~
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Past Zone Content - Toggle Descriptors
Past Zone Content
Past Zone Content: (New Affinity NPC and Wander Events) (By @FlabTepes)
You can now build Affinity with ‘Zix and the Maintenance Crew’
—Unlocked by ‘Leaving the Party’ (Event Hall), after meeting with him during his ‘Mingle’ event.
—Has a Hangout Event via ABBI messages.
(Requires a handful of new interactions before eligible for the event)
Zone 1 Changes: (1 Wander Event, 1 Cafeteria Event)
—‘Maintenance Crew Panel’ event now has two new versions
(Affinity Levels 1, 2)
—‘Hang out with the Maintenance Team’ option now has three new versions
(Affinity Levels 1, 2, 3) Only one affinity version will trigger per day.
Toggle Descriptors
Toggle Descriptors: (3 New Toggles)
Once a toggle is enabled you may view previous/missed weight tiers related to that toggle. (Appears next to the ‘Disable’ option.
—Extra text during Wander Choices/Zone actions regarding player fatigue, physical strain, exhaustion. If the player has the ‘Sweat’ toggle enabled, every action/wander - once you start seeing one of these messages adds a bit to the sweat counter.
(Three tiers, based on energy remaining)
(Two Chapter 1 tiers, viewable in previous/missed weight tiers)
Belly Button
—Adds a new player character description item regarding their belly button/navel, and may also show up in certain events.
(Five tiers based on weight)
(Previous/missed weight tiers viewable)
Stretch marks and Cellulite
—Adds a new player character description item regarding their body’s stretch marks and cellulite, and may also show up in certain events.
(Four tiers based on weight)
—Adds a repeating/recurring event (IE: The Jumpsuit ripping/tearing events) about the player character worsening their stretch marks. After the player wakes up and has gained enough weight since the last trigger, they will activate some extra text.
(Three tiers based on weight, with two parts to each of them)
(Previous/missed weight tiers viewable)
Added a new poll regarding how ‘conditions’ are displayed
Polls for: Abducted Plus+ (A WGHFY Story) - #108 by ToshDragonash