That’s HUGE
I think the last milestone is 1500. so you’re far beyond it.
That’s HUGE
I think the last milestone is 1500. so you’re far beyond it.
casually sitting at 2800 pounds after starting at 1200 this update
Out of everything that’s been added, the Skyrim reference was one of the last things I would have expected
Unlike Nazeem however, ADDI be spittin’ nothing but facts.
@memes @Draukel Hey~ so just to give you (and others) piece of mind about skipping a weight stage. There is zero way I will be able to keep weight descriptions up to speed with player progression and other development.
I will go as far as to say its impossible that you will miss a weight stage. Unless you left and came back way down the line, is the only case I can think of. I currently plan is to do one weight level per zone, so it keeps weight levels fresh and exciting and help keep them from become as same-y. (1000 was for Recreation, 1500 is for the forest, the next one? It won’t be 2000, maybe close - but not a clean +500).
“We took too long to prepare new accommodations for the ‘Honorary Resident’. They are stuck in their room.”
Edit: Looks liked I actually missed some comments/questions.
@Draukel There is no “planned” number of weight milestones, will add more as long as people keep enjoying them, but that goes without saying (as you are already aware), Before we even reach that point will be a long time from now.
@FlabTepes The push to the limit actually doesn’t do a flat 25 lbs anymore, it just burns twice as much poundage, calories etc, with double chance of a stamina increase compared to a normal workout.
Hint for anyone who cares: It also costs the same amount of energy (despite its details and description) as a normal exercise option. Otherwise it would be ‘useless’.
IE: Spending more energy at once to have a higher chance of stamina increase, vs you could just use less energy to have multiple smaller chances. They would conflict so that’s why the energy drain doesn’t reflect the scene.
I feel as if there is a step I’m missing in getting the ump working. I’ve repaired ABBI and got through the messages I mingled at the party and got the automeal and met Kwhet I even talked with the doc although I got no special dialogue Is there something I’m missing I’ve tried everything I can think of and it is still broken which is weird because on previous updates I’ve gotten it to work. Also I can use it to stuff myself even though its broken. and Kwhet asks me to decrypt recipes even though I can’t use them
Something must have broke during the update, a lot of weird stuff did. Let me look into now, (if you are willing can DM me your save, might make it easier to track down)
@bloodrain327 Thanks for save found the (Multiple Problems) while you sent that over. Getting everything fixed, I will use your save to test it. Will get a new version out in a few mins. Thanks for finding those, and sorry about having to deal with them. Unlike some of the other bugs this update, most of these were just my stupid oversights.
@bloodrain327 Download link is updated, you are good to go. So Halessie will trigger, than next day check your messages as normal.
I sent the save file
Updated Main Post
Bug fix - Version: 0.73 - Parts of the UMP quest not triggering correctly (Fixed)
Little question:
I know there’s already a more than decent flavour text for races, but I’ve been wondering if there would be for other kind of species.
An example would be aquatic-based species such as fish or shark
or scale-less reptiles, who only have hide.
And a more absurd example would be synthetic species (like protogen or Vader-San’s Synths, easier to explain with a widely known example)
(Long version)
I wanted to put all these four body coverings (Fur, Hide, Scales, Feathers) in when I did custom races but it is a large time sink, so I decided to forgo them in lieu of other content.
Thankfully @FlabTepes asked if they could do them, since I wanted them in originally, it worked for both of us. However, they originally were only doing fur/scales, but I asked them do feathers as well. I didn’t want to press them for more with V7~ about to come out. Because also takes a good amount of time to implement (not write) - one as well. So I withheld the hide request.
The only other one I want to see included right now is the more general “hide” one I also originally wanted. Reason being pretty much same as your comment, to account for a good amount of aquatic species/non-scaled “hides” pretty well.
Anything beyond that one however… I cannot make an even remotely honest a promise. My whole thing is trying to please as many people as possible with this web of interests we all have. But synthetic beings / partial. When you write/add for them. You are pretty much writing/adding for JUST them.
I think this was before I had my own post? But as a compromise, before I was even open to contributors and had decided against doing body coverings. I added a custom descriptor, for the character description screen. I don’t think many people use it/used it since its only for your own personal flavor, but it is there to hopefully help someone’s mind jump the gap.
An example of how a ‘shark’ would be handled if I created one would be. The hide body cover (when it exists), then using the custom descriptor to describe visible details such as gills, tail alterations etc.
So yeah that’s the gist of it at this moment.
(TL;DR) I want to have one more body covering “Hide”, to account for aquatic races. I have to ask @FlabTepes to make them at some point. Beyond that it most likely won’t happen.
Understood! It does make sense to have a category cover as much possible than to be just for one specie.
And the custom descriptor is appreciated for fine details of our own taste, I do admire the thought. Issue is that I had found it much later on as it was in the bathroom’s option, and sounded to me like toying with some cheat when I saw 'current content plateau" (thought it was to unlock content without the requirement) and ‘update menu’.
It’s probably more of a case of me being rather dumb, but I believe it’s an input worth looking upon.
Also, a far more dumb question than the “synthetic” one, now that I know it’s not a heavily used feature: for custom description, I was hesitant to write it down for a simple reason. In my case, the description concern physical bits more than details like jewelries or hair colour, which would require me to rewrite the description for each weight milestone. Anything planned about this (not so big at all) “issue”?
I think I could make a weight based custom descriptor pretty easily. But you would still have to write in what you want for the weight stages. (If that make sense)
Far better than to have to re-write all the time
Make each description once for one character is far better in long term.
Tho I would say it’s no big hurry, it’s just additional spices on the main content you’re already making.
You people are gonna run me ragged
(I kid, I kid)
I actually rather enjoyed writing descriptors and the odd bit of custom marginalia like this, so if we want to implement a more generic “hide”, I could do so.
(Side note: Honestly, after looking at how much is added to the shower, I feel kinda bad that regular ol’ human-like skin havers lack a shower routine, but so be it! It’s the nature of how it’s set up.)
What would you like to see in other coverings, in terms of key features in scenes or examination actions though, @Draukel ? I basically needed a few seed ideas to really get my creative juices flowing on feathers.
Like, the way I currently see it, I could try for a couple things. If I try to write “hide” generically enough, it could probably cover any rough and thick-skinned anthro, ranging anywhere from scaleless reptiles to pachyderms, etc…I don’t want to lose too much detail, though, but that’s probably the trade-off for making it more viable for more species and not killing the work load.
Aquatic species are my biggest concern for sheer variety. I have thought a bit about them and am stumped. You’ve got rough-skinned sharks, smooth skinned cetaceans, scaly fish…sadly my scales option right now is decidedly reptilian. There’s not a lot I can do with aquatic yet that doesn’t split into at least a couple different descriptors, but I’m still willing to entertain the thought.
Edit: In my own brain I even thought I’d try slick and slimy for amphibians, slugs, etc. but that’s just more of an idle “what if” and not something I was seriously pursuing. That one would honestly present more writing effort in scenes (leaving wet footprints or a slimy trail wherever you go, lol). Not impossible, but definitely low priority for me.
Synthetics are…they’re so varied in possible composition and material that I lean towards expanding the custom field. I do like the idea of a weight-tiered custom descriptor. It’s more work on the user’s end, but it does mean a lot of corner cases can be covered for!
Basically, I’m putting this post here looking for feedback on the existing species options, and if anyone has ideas for how to handle new descriptor toggles or comments on the current ones, feel free to chime in. I do hope people have been enjoying them so far
TL;DR I’m putting “hide” on my list for the indeterminate future, when I am either inspired or able to write it. It will cover any rough, thick-skinned species. Can probably fit sharks in there too. And I am presently open to brainstorming about the key features of any other body covering types. This is not an imminent or even guaranteed feature, (I have other writing in progress atm), but something to put into my “to-do” list.
As far as I know there isn’t much widespread features we haven’t talked about yet. Other bits would be so specific to a point of being for one specie only, rendering the whole “cover as much as we can with one set description” useless.
I can be wrong, but to my point of view hide was the last untouched one.
As for the actual species, I should try with something else than scales to have a proper opinion on the whole thing, but reptiles have it well described enough to tickle the imagination into the right picture.
I will definitely be focusing on hide first! After that, anything else will be gravy. Mostly just wanting to keep my door open for anyone, since I’m happy to entertain ideas and brainstorm.
I’m also glad you liked the scaly stuff. It’s my personal favorite and I had a lot of fun with it.
Fur is probably the most generic, but I still tried to make sure it was present and had attention called to it. Lots of cuddliness. Feathers are actually the most expressive in scenes. They tend to fluff up a lot in response to emotional state, and I can almost do as much with them as the tail descriptor.
Forgot to mention the attention to detail on how the scales react to weight.
Quite a positive surprise to me, I admit! It’s not the sort of detail that’s often used, and it was put in the best way it could. Didn’t felt like you were taking shots in the dark, it does talk of you knowing well how it works and experience into describing it.
You’ve done an impressive work on the description, may it be shower, examine self or else. Quite curious if you’ve done other stuff before that.
Aww, I’m flattered. To be entirely honest, my experience with this mainly comes from having previously read fatfur/scaly fiction and the like, and taking my notes from there.
This is my first time writing in the genre, especially because I don’t actually tend to write much in the way of fetish material, period, until I started my contributions on this project. It’s been a fun adventure so far!
Well I am Definitely curious what are the fictions you’ve read to nail it!
it works too well, it feels natural.
Definitely looking for what you come up with upcoming updates.
The works of everyone in this project got me charmed to no end.