About the SFOAS (Super Fatty Office Admin Sim) category

I was waffling on a bug thread due to it being more difficult to update for bugs than before. I don’t plan on doing fixes unless it signifcantly impacts gameplay.

My hope was I squashed everything before release. That being said someone else has also found this head problem sknfdjf. But it’s harmless.

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Glad you enjoyed~ I don’t plan on any further expansions on this game. At least currently.

I’m not against the idea of modding but I’m also not sure if it can be. If someone has experience in this kind of thing I’d be down to talk about it.

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I can’t get over how much of a grand upgrade this is from the original gamejam entry! Very fun game to play!

Also curious question. Is anyone planning to make a guide for the game? Just wondering.

Btw I want to hear who your favorite girl is and which object head you got. For science.

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I’d have to say Chloe is my favorite girl. I love the way she opens up as you befriend her. I created a female character and she had a rose for a head. Pretty cool looking to be honest.


I think this is honestly my fav game on the entire sight! Spent ages on my first playthru cant wait to see what I missed on the second

Also my fav girl is either Kathy or Erika

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Oh, you magnificent mad bastard! Hoped we’d see these girls again and you deserve a medal for making it so!

Observation, I know you don’t intend to change anything, but when choosing tacos it says ramen’s being served. Also, when Chloe’s thanking the PC about the pizza party, she refers to 'em as ‘PLAYER’. Also when investigating the fridge, seems she’s the only one who does so from what little I’ve noticed.

Also, favourite character is Erika. She’s frosty, but comes across as timid and genuinely friendly once one gets past that.

Comparatively, Stacy has proven to be a liability. Condescending, murderous (moreso than is acceptable, and towards clients at that) and promotes hostility in the workplace (again, moreso than the usual suspects), potentially bringing down efficiency. And she’s too old to be attractive.
Conclusion; For the good of the company, she must be… ‘relocated’. Permanently.
Addendum; Victoria took it upon herself to rid me of the problem, but Stacy was referred to as XXX in a line.


I want to ask, how many endings are there for the game? I passed inspection day, but nothing new seems to occur?

There’s not many “endings” when it comes to the inspection day. There’s two possible failures on that front (and only one pass) but the fridge scene has more variations.

Any one of the girls could be the fridge suspect this time and it’s randomized each game, and who you blame can have consequences. However, there’s a super unique ending if you did everything else in the game just right~ (I might make a guide later)

There’s also the “nobody” ending which I put in if you somehow REALLY gummed things up. It’s basically just a failsafe. I’m curious if anyone will ever see it.


“Super secret ending and a guide to get it later”

heavy breathing

Also I was a dice gal, getting cute and round with my favorite mummy. ^-^


So Far in my “Research”

Chocolate Donuts - Chloe and Kathy
Pink Sprinkled Donuts - Pearl and Erika
Cinnamon Donuts - Polly and Jesse
Blue Sprinkled Donuts - Polly
Cream filled Donuts Victoria and Chloe
Jelly Filled donuts Stacy and Victoria

Here’s something helpful

Chloe: Chocolate and Salty
Pearl: Magic and Cute
Jesse: Salty and Spicy
Kathy: Chocolate and Cute
Victoria: Salty and Bloody
Polly: Magic and Spicy
Erika: Cute and Spicy
Stacy: Chocolate and Bloody


Jon: Okay, who ate the fridge?
Office Administrator: Heavy is Dead - YouTube


Do you mind if I post a video on this? (Just a walkthrough)

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Crystal head! My favorite girl has to be Kathy

Polly’s my fave, and I went with the statue head

I said dice and Erika earlier btw but I want to amend that crystal and Jesse are EXTREMELY close seconds. In general though I absolutely love that all the characters have genuinely charming and fun personalities outside of the kinky stuff, if that makes sense. You could have these girls in a non-fetish adventure or sim game and they’d still work really well.

Sorry if I come across as spammy here and on patreon, I just really adore this game to death. :blush:

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is it at all possible to add multiple saves?

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Do some characters not have flavour text for when the player character gets bigger? Kathy, Pearl and Victoria don’t seem to comment much on it.

Lovely game though! Definitely feels a lot more fleshed out compared to what it was before. Kathy and Victoria are still my favourites. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m having a glitch, I think. Chloe’s not gaining any weight, and she’s not on the fitness program.

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