Above gods, weight gain rpg maker game (New update 1.6.4)

Dang, did you find a solution? cause the only option i have is to restart the game completely, which would be no problem but i’m really bad at this game lmao.

Sorry to bother but i don’t know what to do for the last bad end i don’t have. The crystal is the red one at the start of the strairs on the left.
Also if someone can give a the solution for the boulder puzzle (30 minutes on it without succes) i would be grateful.

unfortunately yeah previous save state is the only way to go, since you dont save 3 different times at the same point like I do exactly cause of these scenarios

Ok, well time to restart! Thanks for your help!

Didn’t know you could get stuck in there Im gonna look into it.
Oh now I get it I’ll make a way to climb down for future updates.

thank you so much! When the update comes out, am i able to update without restarting?

lol my mistake. For some reason going in the treasure room the first time didn’t let me fight the boss. Going back into the game I was able to find him! man, that took forever…
Anyway, Fun Bad End, would have loved to see the other girls that fat as well.

ok ive been stuck for like and hour and will probably feel dumb but were do i go right after big dirt mounds block path i cant find what to do pls help

i found it and i was right i feel dumb

Hey am I missing something?


I beat the harpy boss but didn’t get the item the snake queen wanted. Is it just not added yet?

The current updates story ends after a harpy boss.


how do i access or play this on mac?

i downloaded a rar file and idk how to run that

rar files are compressed (zipped up). You need software to open it. You could try clicking on it and clicking something like “unrip”, “open”, or “unarchive”. I don’t know mac so you may need to get software for it.

There’s a program called “Unarchiver” for Mac that does RAR file unzipping. The problem is I think the game itself is an exe, so I’m pretty sure you can’t run it.

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A sneaky trick you can do is opening the www file that comes with all RPGMaker MV games and opening the index.html file inside. Every single one of these games are basically JavaScript web pages that are ran in a virtual machine.

Do make sure that you open up your Terminal and run this

"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" --allow-file-access-from-files

Else you will get an error trying to open the index.html file. But once you do, every MV game should be playable on Mac, regardless of how they were deployed.


question how exactly can u make the party members fat?

Hi, I just downloaded the game version 1.5.7 from the link above and it crashes if I click continue or try to save a game. It says Error: Failed to load: img/characters/placeholder.png.

Quickfix untill I fix it in the next update is to go into the character folder of the game and put any image in there and name it placeholder.png.

My game has a problem in its current uploaded state where it sometimes tries to take saves from other rpg maker games. But ive gotten quite a bit into doing the next update so I cant do a hotfix right now. Its will be solved in the next update I do.

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on the temple area, what the math question is and answer? thanks I am stuck on that one