Action Weight Gain RPG- Devouring Deep

The kingdom is doomed to famine, its fate sealed by an ancient curse. But one force holds back the abyss—the Queen of Gluttony, a divine being whose insatiable appetite is the only thing keeping the world from ruin.

As her chosen knight, you are tasked with venturing into the cursed dungeon, slaying the horrors that lurk within, and harvesting their remains to prepare decadent feasts. You do not eat. You do not rest. You exist to gather food, to cook, and to serve. The Queen must be fed, her hunger sated, or the abyss will rise and consume everything.

With every bite she takes, her blessings grow, strengthening your abilities and allowing you to push deeper into the dungeon’s depths. New recipes, greater ingredients, and powerful upgrades await those who can keep the feast going. But the deeper you go, the more the dungeon resists, and the more lavish the Queen’s meals must become.

Hunt. Cook. Serve. Keep the Queen full, and keep the world safe.

Check it out here! It’s still fairly early in development, but you can play it and provide feedback!


uh cant launch it there seems to be a minor error when launching

Get this error when launching the game.

It may have something to do with RPG Maker’s auto-purging of unused files before deployment, it definitely wasn’t having this issue before I did that.

Here we go! I fixed the launch issue!

So it’s NPC WG instead of player WG?

I found an issue. When I died, I got the same error as eman006 showed and I had to reload.

Also, I can’t find where to cook. Unless cooking hasn’t been implemented yet?

So far, it is good. Managed to reach and clean the third floor, which seems to be the last one, although I seem to have a lot of bad luck. I stopped counting the number of times I got up to three misses in a row, with the enemies occasionally managing to get a crit or two at the same time.

Yes, sorry! I forget what “NPC” tends to entail, since I think of “NPCs” as not main characters, and the Queen is a main character. I always forget it just means anyone you aren’t playing.

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If the Game Crashes after a game over, you could restart quickly by pressing f5.

In order to cook you need to get a recipe book out of a Hopper (frog enemy, 1/20 chance), and then you could cook stuff at the ovens in the kitchen. The Queen only eats cooked foods.

The way things are regarding recipes is temporary, the next update will make this process a lot less frustrating, I promise :ok_hand:

Your dodge and critical chances are based on your Luck vs the enemy’s Luck, so if you can, I recommend upgrading that if that’s an issue for you! It’s the rainbow crystal at the south-west side of the castle. I do think the Hopper’s base Luck is ~12, and it increases (all enemy stats increase) as you go down.

Are you sure it’s 1/20? I went through the three floors at least twenty times, and the book hasn’t dropped.

That’s not how probabilities work, you’ve likely just gotten unlucky. It’s a 1 in 20 chance each time, not once every 20 times. Assuming I’m reading this right of course, I haven’t played yet

Yeah, nevermind, it dropped almost just after I wrote the previous message.

Is there a place to heal when you come back out of the dungeon? It feels like there should be, so you don’t ever get softlocked by having no health and no money for potions. Maybe whenever you visit the queen.

Agreed that there should be a free heal or something like that when you’re outside of the dungeon.

Having the recipe book be locked behind a random drop is very unfun gameplay in my opinion - you could play the game for a while without making any meaningful progress. (to give you some context, it took around 30 minutes before getting the recipe book, at which point I had around 70 hopper legs)

Another thing is that stairs going back up can just be walked on to trigger, whereas stairs going down require you to interact with it. Also, if you do step on the stairs going up, enemies will still be able to hit you when you’re given the dialog box. The frogs all give the same amount of xp, even though the ones in the lower floors are harder. When you die, you get the following error:

A new update, some bug fixes, and better mechanics!

Getting a heal whenever you feed the Queen is a good idea I think, I’ll put that on the list of stuff to do.

Just about everything that you’ve addressed in your comment has been resolved in the newest update!

The gold and experience not growing as enemies get harder is intentional, that’s one of the big hurdles. That being said, gold and experience is actually positively effected by the Queen’s weight, that’s one of her blessings. If this mechanic turns out to not be very fun for me in the future, I’ll change it. But for now, I quite like it.

Not having a single way to heal at the beginning of the game is kinda wack, especially when you can’t feed the queen as you say, so there’s literally not a single way to heal if you don’t have enough health to take a hit from anything you’re trying to fight.
Like, just trying to fight a single enemy takes you down to at least 30 hp, and trying to fight anything while you’re that low is a death sentence.

Also while we’re at it, feeding the goddess does nothing. no weight gain, no heal, nothing.

What difficulty are you playing on? Are you attacking with “E”? Killing enemies should be somewhat challenging at the start, but not impossible. Hitting them with your sword knocks them back, if you just push them against the wall and mash “E” a bunch, you could take most enemies out with ease.
I’ll play with the player’s starting stats in the future, see how that works.

As for healing, I plan on adding free healing in the next update.

EDIT: I feel so stupid, I think I forgot to give the player a sword to start with.

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