Adipea Expanding Horizon's Roleplay Server and Rulebook

Massive Updates to the Adipea Server!!
Our Design team has been hard at work and ready to show off the fruits of our labors. Originally we were simply inspired by Storymakers work and had made our edits within his book. However now we have created our own system inspired by his own.
Introducing: Adipea: Expanding Horizons.
Features include:

  • An all new system for gaining, losing and being inflated. Utilizing new Inflation Points(IP) and Bulk Points(BP)
    ` Racial Variants for Warforged and Changelings
  • multiple new subraces for the Gelatinfolk
  • A siege master revision as an Artificer Class
  • new Artificer Subclass. The Arcane Masterchef
  • new Barbarian Path. Path of The Ravener
  • Embiggened options for the profane soul Blood Hunter (patron options taken from the warlock subclasses in this book)
  • New Druidic Circles, Calor, Sky and Spirit Mother
  • new Food fighter subclass for Fighter and lipomantic rune options for the UA Rune Knight subclass
  • new Zephyrtouched Sorcerer Subclass
  • New Warlock Patron. The Caretaker
  • New Wizard Tradition. Bloatmage.
  • New equipment options. Mess kits, Ennylene torches, Bloomph bats and more
  • New Quirk System.
  • New magical Items
  • Lots of new spells for all classes. Including Calorie Bomb, Whipping Cream, Enchunken and Aerate.
  • New Monsters. Bluzzers and the Bluzzer Matron
    And even more content to come in the future!

Link to Adipea Roleplay Server:

Link to the book in question:

Link to Storymaker’s original work: