Heyo. Since this project is one of those that was posted after the date of the backup, I’ll go ahead and relist myself here. For those who aren’t already familiar, ExpanD&D is my personal writing project to create a set of rules that can be used with regular D&D 5e rules to add some elements of expansion, weight gain, and other similar kinks to a campaign, whether it be a serious story driven game or a more erotic roleplaying setting. Follow the link below to find a series of basic rules for weight gain, a number of class archetypes, spells, and magic items, and some potential threats to your players in the form of monsters and NPCs.
Edit: Here’s more new books! The main book has gotten so cluttered it’s time to open up supplement books to keep from having to cram more in there! Each one focuses on a particular sub-genre kink for the system.
Atha’s Grimoire of Gains is focused on Weight Loss and Muscle Growth
The Apocrypha of Letidýra is focused on Slob and Corruption content.
Avenice’s Archive is focused on Inflation content.
Matron Lustre’s Book of Secrets is all about the pregnancy/lactation and breast expansion sides of the kink spectrum.
Narce’s Experiment Notes is my own rendition of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: A repository for extra rules and archetypes and ideas that might fit in any of the books, but are kept on the side as potential ways to change up your game and make things a bit different.
Final Fatassy: A Setting Document for ED&D is designed to help bring the FFXIV 5e Compendium (Which is linked inside the document) more in-line with the rules of ED&D So you can have your fatty fun within the confines of Eorzea (or any other FF Setting, let’s be real)
Gorias’s Journal of Feasts is the Stuffing and Vore supplement for the system, intended to include many new archetypes and rules for absolutely glutting yourself and others.
EDIT: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! I’ve officially launched a patreon so that maybe one day I might be able to do this kind of fetish homebrewing full-time, creating encounters, more content, and maybe even whole modules or campaigns built around this stuff. Go check it out, I’ve already got my first small encounter put up.