Adventure Chef

generous may have been too broad, i just meant make it a little longer, hitting anything that isnt 1/4 a square in front of you is literally shooting the breeze

Yes… of course. Assuming it’s even still being worked on. These are just suggestions and ideas. The creator can dismiss them all at their leisure.


I have to agree with phoenixfelix.

The attack hitbox already has good length.

If anything I would say the width or the angle of the swing is a little bit narrow. You have to be directly facing your target to hit it. You don’t have a lot of leeway for hitting things to the side of your swing. This does make it a bit challenging to hit moving targets if they move perpendicular to your swing.


I really enjoyed your game.

Especially the characters evolution, I hope you will continue.


This game is great. Short and simple but I would love to see more.


any pics? because I want to know the game appearance rather than download and see if I will play or not…

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Can I post a screenshot(or three) here to show off the game?

Also I remembered a 3rd gripe with Monster Hunter, THE LIVES, the whole party sharing the lives, and 3 strikes(or 4, I can’t remember and google, for some fucking reason, won’t tell me), and the whole hunt is lost! Meaning a bad player can hold the others back! Ugh!
That’s it, I’ll stop talking about it now.

Yeah for sure go ahead.

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For those who were asking it’s unlikely that I’ll work on this project any more. I have another project in the works that I’m more interested in. Something with monster girls.


Monster girls you say?


Sir, you had my interest but now you have my attention.


Oh? Any slimes? Cows? Frogs? Fairies? Bees?

Here’s a few of the designs I’ve made but I’m not totally happy with them so I may do a different style.


Griffin, Ocelomeh, Minotaur, Hakutaku, and Dragon eh?
Some good choices instead of more vanilla ones.

Outside of the faces looking maybe a little ‘roundish’ I think they look pretty good. And that’s mostly coming from someone who’s skills at artistry can…well…Lets just say that I paint minis instead of drawing for a reason.

Oh some neat sprite-work! I like the overall designs, but maybe tweaking the palette might help? It’s currently got some hard outlines but most of the interior colours are fairly muted. I feel the bottom left’s the best executed since the green, white and skin colour all contrast with each other well.

Looking forward to your next project.


I know that the creator has moved on but I went back and played this again. Its quite good if simple and is worth it if you look sprite gains.