Ai Dungeon. A somewhat infinite text based game.

Thanks for telling about this
its really fun and often hilarious experience :rofl:

here’s a couple funny sentences i got during my play:

you exit the temple and see a huge explosion in the sky above you, you are stunned for a minute but then start running towards it. (running into the sky… wat???)

you see group of men beating a young girl with sticks, she tries to scream for help but isn’t very good at it.

you fry the bread in the pan and spread cheese on its side and bacon on the other side, then you put slice of pepperoni on top of the bread

you take plate from the chair and place it on top of the skillet, then put it in the oven


I know this is a dumb question, but how do I search for prompts on the app?

Make sure your app is updated, then click on left up corner (icon of three lines).
Then you should get a couple of options, but if you wanna search just choose “Explore”.
There should be custom stories now, but if you want something more specific, use the search tool from top right corner!

And as I said, make sure app is updated, because those options just won’t appear in older versions!! (I think)

They removed the Search for now (because apparently it was somehow causing most of the server issues), but they plan to re-add it once they fix that. Keep an eye on for more info, as well as (if you can find them, I know I can’t) the patch notes on the app.

Try the explore tab, plenty of lonely people, the ai won’t judge you more than them.

Now there’s an update, and you can press a “remember” button, and write in what should be remembered. Protip, try not to use “and”, insytead give each detail its own sentence.


Welp. Thanks to the newfound ability to edit AI responses, I managed to craft something actually coherent AND figure out how to make and share stories. This took a couple of days (and involved a lot more work than you’d think) but I’m finally comfortable sharing it here.


every time ive tried using it it always seems to go for a gory route

The AI does really enjoy making people vomit or veer towards gore if it picks up a scent of something macabre. I’m not sure it worked but I did deliberately throw things in via /remember to try and convince it not to devolve into that, which may or may not have worked to some extent. It still requires reverting or editing to avoid, despite that.

Been playing around with it after you posted your story. Every time i make a new story it adds some of it’s own stuff at the beginning that keeps changing the tone. Any advice?

And how do you use the remember tool?

Honestly, there’s not too much you can do to prevent the game trying to do that straight away; it may be worth re-attempting the prompt until you get a better initial outcome or altering the initial input to something the AI can better understand. While other times I’ve had to ‘Mulligan’ a decent star, I got really lucky with this my prompt, for some unknown reason.

Most important thing is to /alter early and often if the AI output is going off the rails. You do not want the AI to start repeating mistakes it has already made.

As for the ‘remember’ command, it is there so the AI doesn’t ‘forget’ things that happened more than 20 actions ago. I used it in my story to track things like the PC’s weight, A/S/L type stuff and anything I didn’t want to have to type repeatedly. It might have more uses beyond that; this was my first attempt at using it.

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Not my screenshot, but here’s something I thought I’d share:


Calling it a “self-learning AI” isn’t quite right; within the context of your game, it only remembers/considers your last 20 posts, anything in the /remember list, and anything you wrote in the story’s initial prompt. I wish they would start adding in some more user-generated content into the model, but that’s not implemented yet.
There’s a user on on of the Websites-With-No-Name who’s trying to jam some more fetish content into the model, but I’m not sure how that’s going.

Also yeah, the 20 posts thing is why you could have an amazing, kinky scene that goes on for a bit, then just goes off the rails.
That and the AI’s constant attempts to railroad you into story hooks, like “suddenly you hear an explosion outside!”



Ok, I redownloaded the app and holy hecksauce there have been a lot of updates. Haven’t taken a look at anything but the change log and the menu, but there seems to be a multiplayer mode??? Will probably put any interesting findings here.

Edit: multiplayer mode “worlds” must be hosted by premium users, lots of ui changes, and account customization
Edit: cyberpunk starting and a new one every… once in a while?

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Also that stupid plot hook thing now has a slider for premium users, so you can spend, what, $10 a month to get the game to stop throwing those damn “you suddenly feel a sharp pain, and everything goes black” or “you suddenly hear an explosion outside” things at you.

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Haha ok so if you start with a bit of a base and play it for some time you can get some things atilst, or do it keep brining up school scenarios and marge even do there was nothing indicating that from the beginning or even was in the same world kind of, it seems to forget things also or just rewrite people completely if you don’t keep describing them somehow

Also to put in a scenario someone has already written, you just need to go custom in the beginning right? And there is no way to do secon third person right?

Could you clean up your post a bit? It’s rather hard to understand. Also if you want to rp in 3rd person, the you should probably use the “Story:” input. That’s the closest thing.

In their defense, the plot hooks only become a problem when you use the app for something other than adventure stories.

You’re paying for more versatility, which is pretty reasonable to me. In fact it’s a problem with a relatively simple fix. Just rewrite the output or have your character ignore it.

The plot hooks are a problem because they 100% ignore the context of your story, where it’s going, your prompt, the genre, and the /remember field, and having to /alter the game every few posts because the story decided it desperately wanted there to be World War 3 or have my healthy adult man MC suddenly slip into a coma for no reason for four years makes it a nasty, terrible thing to code in.
It’s not like the plot hooks are part of the AI of the game, either, they’re just random events completely disassociated from what you’re doing that get plopped in randomly.
The worst part is that the temperature setting isn’t even that complex and that modders have unlocked that function even before it was made a paid thing.

Actually, no, the worst part is that the temperature setting is literally the only thing about Premium that I want to use. If I want to have the game stop it with the non-sequitur story hooks, I have to pay $5 a month, and I don’t pay subscriptions on things just to unlock one (1) feature.

Seriously, I give this game a 4/10 with the plot hooks, but I’d bump it up to a solid 7 without them, and I’d go back to being a subscriber on their Patreon.


Oh. I never had any big problems with the plothooks, so I don’t know what to say about that