Ai Dungeon. A somewhat infinite text based game.

Plot hooks can be easily “fixed”, by just either undoing them or editing them to make them fit in.
They are sometimes annoying, but I found them to be less “tone breaking” when I start putting more things in the “remember” tab.

Ha, this guy on Reddit got stuck in my worst nightmare:

They got stuck in a plothook loop!


Worth noting that, as of late, the creator has been testing newer models. I can’t say for certain, but whatever changes they made seem to have resulted in more coherent/descriptive responses. I can actually get something kind of compelling out of it now???

EDIT: We have Dev Confirmation:tm:


Yeah I gave the AI a spin again and it’s greatly improved. I roleplayed a weight gain fantasy scenario and it turned out surprisingly well, even if the genre inadvertently shifted towards the end.


Mmhm! I first noticed when I tried some of those wg scenarios on the explore tab. It’s great timing too because I was just starting to lose hope for this project’s future : P

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I have found the word “hedonism” can trigger a weight gain sequence. Also I had an adventure where I started in heaven but the angels told me I would prefer hell. I asked a demon if I can torture some dudes with wg and it made a pretty cool adventure with little fighting (redoing).

In my case, the dragon slayer became a dragon layer.

Besides it, the dragons turned out to be an ancient nearly-extinct bioweapon, created by the hands of ancient men.
There also was some stuff about “royal dragon” bloodline, so the dragons with this unique trait can gain weight far more easily and giving birth to literally armies of dragons.
Then I thought that AI went full crazy and turned it off.
But it was fun, to be sure.


The AI reminds me of an Eliza program I remember from my old days back in the early 80s on Lisp machines.

Can confirm. The game works MUCH better for lewd content now, and even has the retry button for free users now, so it’s not so inconvenient when plot hooks and terrible non-sequiturs start to rear their ugly heads.

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just had a fun little bout with it, and I gotta say they definitely upgraded the AI from previous iterations. the /remember command is amazing for keeping track of the relationship between characters in the story. (example: me and a dragon girlfriend; there’s a stuffing prompt :3)

I had to replay a few times, but it mostly stays on track, and even tried to get frisky a few times on its own.

I agree it’s definitely better. With good prompts and remembers, it’s amazing how good it is at generating stories/adventures. The quality difference between now and when I first complained about it is remarkable. They’ve also got a laundry list of big items that they want to implement to improve the engine even further that’s pretty exciting.

How does it handle characters now? When I first played around with this the simulation could not keep different characters in memory as separate entities.

if you use the /remember command to write down details about characters, and use proper nouns at least 50% of the time, it seems to work very well

it’ll still inject random things/people sometimes, but if you avoid using he/she/they it remembers names well.

you can even have it remember specific details/numbers, for example I put in manually that a character’s belly was big and fat, and it brought up their belly in conversation later

for a more normal adventure, you could use the /remember to put in how much money or what items you have, and update the command manually as you use things

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It sounds like the project is really coming along. I love the concept and I’m glad the devs are working so hard on it.

What other game tips can you give? Did you find any pages with useful information for the player?

they do have a help page if you’re unsure what specific things will do in the page. other than the above, I’d just say to try to include detail, but be short with the ai. long sentences just give it more places where it can misread something if you aren’t very specific the whole way through.

also, if you use the explore tab and search some keywords, you can find some nice prompts people have already written up that you can edit once you load them. (wg, stuffing, etc. there’s a few great ones with those two examples. -w-)

They’re apparently testing new models again. I didn’t think it could get any better, but it has, at least for my own private custom scenarios. Seems to pay more attention to world info than before… you fellas notice any difference?

Try to type more than just “[STORY] Katie stuffs herself” or “[DO] feed her burgers” or “[DO] refill the enema bag.” The AI only knows the stuff they dump into it and the stuff you typed in recently, so the more content you dump into it, the more it has to work with and learn off of.

The AI likes it more when you give it things to build off of, like “[DO] lovingly feed her one greasy burger after another”. The word “lovingly” is necessary, since otherwise the game guesses the tone of the situation, which is why “feed her burgers” by itself has a good chance of changing the story’s genre, leading to things like “Katie chokes on the burger, screaming ‘NO, PLEASE GOD NOaaaggghhhh’, but you keep going until she breathes her last breath, your other hand masturbating over her burst corpse”. Then again, the word “greasy” might make the game assume you’re feeding her some really heart-stopping burgers that will probably plothook her into having a heart attack so you can have a tender chat with her at the hospital, I guess.

I went off on a tangent, heh, gimme a sec, I’ll write a second post.


Yeah, main tips have all already been posted in the thread but to recap and throw a little bit of personal experience in:

  1. Revert/redo early, & often when the AI messes and correct it up before the AI can copy its mistakes
  2. Dictate the tone/emotive context so the AI doesn’t try to
  3. Repeat key words (or use synonyms) for things that you want the AI to focus on
  4. Misgendering is a constant struggle with characters so it’s worth reminding the AI to limit its prevalence
  5. Use remember frequently for things you can to keep BUT make you keep it consistent and avoid contradictions
  6. Use lots of descriptive words in order to generate more interesting responses but avoid things that might distract the AI in ways you don’t like (this will be important if you want for example, want to talk about bellies without pregnancy being brought up constantly)
  7. Try to use the AI more as inspiration instead of a complete narrative crutch