Big Fatties alternative stomach and arm textures

Please, save yourself!

You’re absolutely mad, if you need help let me know

Im slowly working on custom legs for the gltich to make it more inline with the make the “universe a cuter place” mod, but other than that im busy with other more important personal projects of mine, it will be a hwile before i go and do anything else so if you wana take a stab at anything you can leave it here and ill come back to it later

Sheeting legs sucks. There’s a reason this is called alternative stomach and arm textures, and not alternative stomach, arm and leg textures.


Exactly lol! I’m tryin to make the glitch noble set compatible with granular and goodness it sucks.

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gl with the leg sheets, lol

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I just finished the custom legs to match with the base cuter glitch textures
GIF 2-4-2021 10-59-33 PM


what race is that and is the texture out?

is that robot race or is that also a texture

It is the Glitch race yeah! I think the creator said they put it in the files.

Ill answer both of your questions in one go. I use a mod called Make the “Universe a Cuter place” you can find it on the steam workshop, it changes how all the races look. The first post is a Hytotl, and those textures are in the experimental blob pack. And the 2nd is what the glitch look like, in addition to all of the custom textures I made. The body and arms are currently in the main packs but the legs have yet to be released

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is there a tutorial for how to download this?

There should be a basic guide in the post, if you have any questions feel free to ask

Working on a possible custom glitch blob end


I’m all for the custom glitch blob!!!

Custom Glitch blob done!

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My eyes have scabbed over and I can no longer see the color yellow;
fat nova gif

but atleast im halfway done with the textures


And just like that there is now full novakid support!:
fatty nova busty eeeeeeeE
also some one send help I still cant see the color yellow


I love how you can just barely see the foot at blob stage lol

Great work man! ;D

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Gosh I can’t wait until these are in the mod!