Bug reports (revised)

The new forums work rather differently so there is no longer a board specifically for bug reports. Some open bugs have been lost in the outage, so please feel free to report them again after checking they are still present in the latest release!

I do welcome all bug reports; as the game gets more complex it’s easy to miss things. Please create a new topic for each bug and add the tag “bug” when you create it (it makes them easier for me to find). If there’s already a topic for the bug you found please reply to that topic. However before reporting a bug please check the known issues.

Broadly speaking bugs will fall into a number of categories:

  • The game won’t start: Please check the troubleshooting guide first. If that doesn’t help tell me what operating system you are using, and how you launched the game.
  • Save and load issues: I’ll need you to run the game in debug mode and send me the inevitable exception message
  • Missing content: Is probably just missing or unfinished
  • Other odd behaviour: Is probably a bug I’ve missed; tell me as much as you can
  • How do I?: If it is a question about gameplay then it is not really a bug, feel free to create a topic, discuss it in the release comments, or DM me.

Yaffaif has a debug mode and can be run from the command line where errors are visible. See the instructions on how to set it up.

Thank you,