The new forums don’t have a dedicated board for discussing things relating to Yaffaif, so just feel free to create new topics here. It can be anything relating to the gameplay be it questions, suggestions, or just fun things you’ve found. Feel free to answer questions as well as pose them. I’ll try to give hints if needed.
If you think you’ve encountered a bug, please see the bug report topic first. The things there will help me track bugs down and fix them.
Started again your fantastic game. New feature for me the ‘human’ choice - and I greatly appreciate! I am not as concerned with doing foolish things with human PC than with nice fox, for example.
No reports, just trying to resist the temptation to eat my characters immobile before they have at least made an effort to navigate once or twice around in the goblin mine. No luck yet, Arthur’s Beef pies are irresistible! :
Good thing I haven’t (yet) learned to cheat. Now I have some motivation to go around and seek for metal and other valuables…hm… later! My greedy girls know how to prioritize. Another beer or heavy climb uphill to meet dangers and troublesome walking in the dark mine? Beer, thank you very much!
[quote=“tsap, post:2, topic:724”]Started again your fantastic game. New feature for me the ‘human’ choice - and I greatly appreciate! I am not as concerned with doing foolish things with human PC than with nice fox, for example.
No reports, just trying to resist the temptation to eat my characters immobile before they have at least made an effort to navigate once or twice around in the goblin mine…[/quote]
I’m glad you are enjoying it! The character generator had been on the cards for a while; it was one of those “if I don’t do it soon I’ll paint myself into a corner” things. Plus some didn’t want to be (or start out) furry. It’s also good to here that village life is suiting you. When I set out I soon decided I never wanted the adventuring elements to be compulsory. It’s good to hear all that strenuous activity isn’t for everyone!
[quote=“Serathinian, post:4, topic:724”]Everything alright?
It just got kinda quiet here all of the sudden.[/quote]
Yes, thank you, everything is mostly alright. Just dealing with a bunch of real-life things and as a result taking a little break from the coding. Sorry to keep everyone waiting.
[quote=“dingotush, post:5, topic:724”][quote=“Serathinian, post:4, topic:724”]Everything alright?
It just got kinda quiet here all of the sudden.[/quote]
Yes, thank you, everything is mostly alright. Just dealing with a bunch of real-life things and as a result taking a little break from the coding. Sorry to keep everyone waiting.[/quote]
At the current time all you are able to do in the mines is to find two of the three iron items you need to get the best weapon forged (the third piece isn’t in the mine at all - it’s elsewhere, but you need something from the mine to get it). You can also acquire (or be subjected to) the first of the transformational items in the game.
There are four more rooms due to be added which will include the encounter with the Queen, and allow you to find out what happened to Orion’s friend. Development of the story is on hold until I have sexual encounters worked out, at least to some degree. This is a big change to the game, which is why there hasn’t been an update for, what, 10 months! I am working on it though. It will add sexy stuff to both combat encounters and win/loss scenarios and allow you to build relationships outside of combat.
The village is also due to be expanded with a shop/laundry, and a second area to explore. By that stage all the fundamental mechanics of the game should be in place and things can progress rather quicker. (I’m going to regret saying that, aren’t I)